I don't think I'd want to live in Britain. Too many haunted places.
And knowing my lineage, I'm likely to move into a house that IS haunted.
...at least, if the house I'm in now
is haunted (which is highly possible), whatever else is here doesn't know/care that we're here. I haven't had a nightmare since we've moved in, and I sleep quite well, considering how creaky this house is. Unless it's ignoring me and targetting everyone else. I mean, it was pretty freaky when my hubby woke up in the middle of the night, staring at me in the dark, and when I asked him what's up he said 'did you just call me?'
Thinking about that, I'm going to have to keep an eye on him. When these things start calling you by name.... I know he probably doesn't believe in these things, but I do.
Albeit, when I go up the stairs sometimes and I feel like there's someone right behind me, it's probably because there IS someone behind me. A creak, I can deal with. A footstep? HELLLL NO! Especially not when it's on the step RIGHT behind you. When you feel a chill at the back of your head, you know something is there with you.
I still can't get my head around how my gran could have let my grandad stay in that haunted room in his final weeks. Granted, I felt nothing present while I visited him, but while the room had been unoccupied before...let's put it this way, the only room in my gran's house that I feel okay-ish in, is the lounge, and that's only when I'm with a BUNCH of other people. I wouldn't be caught dead alone in that house.
The worst haunted place I ever stayed in: our flat in the city. I have the impression one of our neighbours was into cult-like stuff, or someone who had lived there before us had been into dodgy stuff. The vibes I picked up on regularly were terror and rage. I dunno if it was a sacrifice, a suicide or a murder that took place in that block of flats. But there was definitely something that popped in and out of our flat.
And there was definitely definitely something in the long narrow stairwells that led down to the garage. Gah, I can't even begin to explain how fast I'd fly up and down those stairs. Never mind two at a time, I took them four at a time, and I still couldn't get out of there fast enough. Whatever was there was malevolent.
And this is all going through my head because I'm watching a doco on the 5th Dimension on youtube. /end ramble