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Thanks DS... :D
but now I feel guilty for killing her off.
That's because I ace at putting people on guilt trips.;)
LOL. Don't get me wrong, I'd cheer if it was anyone else's OC. I kill my own OC's but only to prevent a sequel, cos I suffer from sequelitis and death is my cure.
Nite was just one of the very few I never thought 'plz die horribly and unexpectedly' of, so yeah, I'm a little sad.such a great fanfic is finished. but you know.... All things good come to an end.

CT: why does it feel like all I'm ever doing is cleaning?!

+ fact: in a household of 6, the laundry baskets are Always full, no matter how many times a day you do washing.
I don't know I think I'm a pretty nice person (I guess), but if you give me crap I'm going to give it right back.

EDIT: I know what you're thinking and that is NOT what I meant. I meant if you give me a hard time I'm going to get sarcastic with you. Gees. e_e
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I don't know I think I'm a pretty nice person (I guess), but if you give me crap I'm going to give it right back.
Makes me think of the lyrics 'and get dirty with the people spreading the dirt'. XD
:wub: LP.

CT: Is it funny that I had a squee moment when I realised that my favourite author read THE same book I'm reading right now and she LIKED it?
Yes. Yes it is funny.
And I like the story too. Aside from the fact that I was playing with a few scenes and a similar plotline. Now I'm wondering whether it's even worth writing it since this book already satisfies my hunger for this type of story. I'm big on only writing those stories that haven't been written yet. So I might as well post that little scene on here, considering there's no use or point of it anymore, and I can scrap it.

+I have way too many scraps.

++I forgot. I think I'm suffering from brainfreeze. It's so friggin cold in this room!

+++My hubby started reading The Forbidden Game last night because he couldn't sleep. I don't know whether to be happy or hide the book from him now. And it's the whole series (the omnibus). I went to the library yesterday to get my fill of horror, found there was a ton of new YA horrors that have come in (HURRRAAAAHHH!!!), and just happened to glimpse TFG on the trolley - which means it must have been returned that morning.

Which is AWESOME. Because that means my library now has a copy and I don't need to go online and reserve the series and have it transported from the next neighbourhood library to my library and pay a wad of cash for it. I love this trilogy way too much. It would make me broke, I tell ya.

++++Surely baby must have come, or be on his way right now?
*big hugs for Angel*
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I find it hilarious that the person named "Dante's Stalker" has her profile set to private.

Terrible name is terrible, but it was the only one I could choose. Everyone else had chosen first. And it ain't much to look at... I haven't really been on it much... lol...

I like to keep my dealings with other members inconspicious >.> <.< o_o

Hahahaha, I'm following Dante's twitter, muahahahahahaha!!! >:D
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Zombies are out there waiting to eat my brains. *grabs a shovel* Don't make me bury you again!

Zombies scare the heck out of me.

Chatting with Dante (on Twitter) about tonberries has made me realize...I need to make a Dante doll. *goes to see if she can do so*
Edit: I'm going to use a Mario pattern to make Dante...Whoo-hoo! >_>
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Okay, just asking, but who are you?
She's Dante's Stalker or course! :O Which really means she's stalking Ebony because Dante stalks her. Although Eb stalks me who stalks Lightning so I guess DS is really Lightning's Stalker! :O!!!

CT: South Park marathons on Netflix are awesome! XD
You guys that have a problem with me.
You should like take it with me?
NOT with my friends! ;/
I get all rage when I'm here...
I wanted to get banned in a bad way... But I'll do this.. For my friends sake..
Why are you so annoying?!!