Do you want heavy internet/gaming restrictions? No? Me neither.
People pretend they can just ignore the danger online. Abusive mods even admit to being hypcorites and state they prefer lies.
Would you trust that?
This needs to be challenged more.
They lure you in. Copy and pasted rules. People expect you to blindly follow them. This site might know better on that account.
Site A affects site B. Circles back. Karma. I'm prove of that if nothing else.
Then sites die off. Because who gave a ****ing ****?
People get told to "**** off" in one place. Then they get told to "**** off" in another place. Then it repeats. For a lot of people. You just might not see it. But deep down you know it's happening. The mods here learned that the hard way even if they wised up. I can tell.
You might tell yourself "Their own mental health is on them alone". We're all responsible for how we affect other people. If you leave people stuck with concerns and trauma then you are a coward trying to avoid accountability when you lie to yourself. For whatever reason. Which means concerns linger in peoples minds. Until resolved.
Trust me. I deal with the "fallout" more online. You don't see it. I do. You might run and flee. I can't afford to make that mistake.
How do you know your actions don't hurt people if you run away?
What if your actions get people killed when you turn your back?
That's why I won't do it. Cops exist for a reason.
... I know psychology.
The worst thing that can ever be done is so often being repeatedly done. It is worse then murder. Not a metaphor. And people don't just allow it. They don't just ignore it. They DEFEND it.
Look at youtube. What comments were auto deleted? You don't SEE it.
Look at a random forum site. What comments did the mods HIDE from you?
Look at the news. You know how that goes. Half stories. Hiding the full truth.
No wonder the SAS say people trade comfort for honesty and say we're ****ed. Thier words. Congrats, the elite of the elite lose hope.
So why should the internet exist like this if this is what it's doing to us? Making us dishonest. Stupid fools. Give me a reason.
Internet itself, not the problem. It's more the fact that their isn't some kind of "online police". Better WE establish that in a "zero obligations" way. Because if the cops as you know them get involved of their own accord alone then we're ****ed. Kind of why they havent muscled in yet. But if ignorance and stupidity is so out of hand that 90% of mods are ****ing things up that badly to the point it costs sanity and lives so often (it does) then the cops might be ****ing it up less.
See the problem here?
The internet isn't TV news here. Don't confuse it for that. China. Look at China. Restrictive internet and heavy gaming restrictions. We're heading that way if we don't do something soon. All it takes is even a small dedicated group to challenge abusive mods in certain online areas to get them to be accountable for their actions. Pressure can be applied to get people to see reason. Proven to work when done. At that point cops would go "Ok. They pay attention. We can **** off now."
It's not the danger. It's not the abuse even. It's that people ignore it and pretend they don't notice.
If a location is that bad, that blind, that stupid and ignorant, with a lot of people on it (10k+), then that needs addressing. Don't pretend "offical channels" is going to work here. If you just buy into what you're "told to do" then you're not going to do anything.
The only way to deal with situations like this is to hold harder converastions with people. Just got to get people abusing power to talk on discord or something. It's the only way that will work. Something like e-mail tickets alone wouldn't work. Because there's no consistent communication.
Consider the bigger problem at play. The solution doesn't have to be complicated. If even one site gets results when "fighting back" then why not work with that and apply the same concept to other sites as well? The mistake people keep making is thinking of themselves and their own site alone. MIstake.
What if you apply the concept behind multiple sites? Starting with one at a time of course. But it would be the end goal. Wouldn't that be the start of fighting against mod abuse?
Here's the objective problem here. Communication instead of blind agreements. Always. Otherwise it's not consent at all. It's just being a blind stupid idiot. At that point people don't know what htey agree too. It's why cops want nothing to do with it.
Think about it. People BLINDLY agree with stupid ****. JUST to get on a site at all. Blind situations lead to out of control situations. I'm telling you what the big **** up that causes all the mess is. It's those "blind agreements". That ex mods caution against.
People don't even talk about it before joining a site beforehand. So anyone daring to pretend that's consent better think twice. Because you didn't ask at that point. You didn't check in. You didn't try to get feedback. You just went "I know best for other people". You don't. Not if you try to force obligations on people without even asking.
People. Learn to ask. And stop letting people get away with the bullshit.