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Well-known Member
Xen-Omni 2020
Same here, it will drop to 2 celcius tonight

Have the stove lighting since earlier though and it has a backboiler for 12 rads so the place is snug. So i am thinking, mug of tea and a rasher sandwich be nice right now. Tall giant appetite is kicking in bad tonight, might have a tapeworm lol


Well-known Member
Mods on this site said they'd help with the F-chat mod abuse situation.
They get a prize. Appreciation.

It's serious enough that I'm on good terms with cops and may have to inform them. Holding back on that for now.

I know 100% that the F-chat mods PRETEND not to notice danger, suffering, abuse and death. They're in denial and need correcting. I also know that with enough pressure applied they'll see reason. Just got to do what Nero did in the game. Bitch slap and go "Listen". Never stop for anything.

Put that behind whatever you do in your life. Hunt. Chase. Damn the naysayers. They just want to stop you. Drag you down into a pit of misery and despair.

I might welcome misery's company, but I'm not going to be the defeatist giving into fear and wallowing. Question what is normal. Question what seems too good to be true. Most people don't. Which is why most live a lie.

Devil May Cry was made for honest reasons. The hell sim in Second Life is too. It's always the honest sinners that understand better. Because the truth is we're all guilty. Foolish angels claiming some moral high ground don't understand. Be mindful of how the light blinds you.

People misunderstand monsters. But if you fear that, if you hate then, then it's only because you are that.

Consider Tai Lung and Sifu from Kung Fu Panda. Who is it that made empty promises?

I'm not like most other people. I never stop. I won't ever stop. If you dare to try and stop me then I will destroy you. Others have learned that the hard way. The wisest thing people can do with me is work with me. You're not entitled to have your selfish way just because you say so. Nor am I.

People act so entitled. Expect too much. They truely don't understand. Because what they don't understand is their own reflection. That's how you can tell when people don't know themselves as much as they might like to think. I find it very amusing how people deflate and are at a loss when they have to answer "Who are you?"

Who are you? A label? A name? Who ARE you?
What defines you?
"Where is your motivation?"



Well-known Member
They have no control over what occurs on other forums, though. But if their mods ain't helpful, maybe just leave that forum behind.

I wouldn't want to hang around a dull community full of losers like what you described, even if it was once an okay place to be a part of. Sometimes, things just get ruined and when you realize it cannot be rectified, you have a choice. It's out of your hands.


Well-known Member
They have no control over what occurs on other forums, though. But if their mods ain't helpful, maybe just leave that forum behind.

I wouldn't want to hang around a dull community full of losers like what you described, even if it was once an okay place to be a part of. Sometimes, things just get ruined and when you realize it cannot be rectified, you have a choice. It's out of your hands.
I told you. I never stop. It is in my hands. I am making progress. I welcome everyone. No matter how flawed. It's the only reason I can get the results I do. Otherwise it wouldn't work. Has to work both ways.

To be clear, people are always what they hate. We all have flaws though. That's the point. THE point.


If you give up and walk away then you quit. You gave up. Do you even have ideals if you do that? If I did that it would be dishonest. I'm no coward. I'm no liar. I uphold the ideals. At some point people get the hint. Often sooner. But you know, lack of communication slowing things down in some things. It's just a matter of holding conversations. Anything less is an excuse. Sooner or later I catch my prey. Every time. Every. Single. Time.

I gave up once. It cost a life. Never again. Then I was getting result after result after result. Neat. Why would I stop if I handle the most volatile of situations, and get good **** to happen? I don't see the point in being a quitter. That's just resentment. Hate.

I make it about more then that.

People are slow to admit their own flaws. I always admit what I do. I mean to scare people. I mean to hurt people. It's intended. Others will just be stupid about it. That's the difference. Ask Virgil. "Your incompetence". He isn't joking. Stupid people need teaching a lesson. Ask Nero. "You LISTEN deadweight". He'd also say "I'll make you submit". Right idea. Great kid.

Other people pick and choose. I put it behind EVERYTHING. It really does work. I know the results I get. You learn more doing it. You're just afraid of your own reflection when you complain about losers. But what if you can lose together? What if you... Play?

Virgil and Nero. Playing. Dante and Virgil. Playing. Even Urizen is a game. A test. never stop playing. It makes life worth living. Some games are just high stakes.

If peoples sanity and lives are in danger, which they are, then do you think I'm just going to leave that alone? That's what other people do. When they pretend not to notice and choose to do noting. When they tell themselves "I can't'".

I say "We can always do better". You can always do more then you think you can't. It's also why I train people on Second Life and get told I make them better people.

What if losing is the POINT? You never learned if you're jumping ahead. Strength is born from weakness.
Name me one person that's never struggled. They don't exist.

There's a reason some teachers in school try to go "It's not about winning or losing". It's about flaws. Mistakes. It's about making the best of whatever the situation is. It doesn't mean don't try. It just means we're ALL going to struggle.

You don't get results by giving up. You get results be being persistent when people resist. Just look out for those 9-5 job traps.

Resistence is this: "Leave it alone. Give up. Quit. Stop. Can't."
Persistence is this: "Carry on. Keep going. Fight back. Always try. Can."

The truth is site A affects site B and circles back. Aren't I alone the proof of that? And it happens with others too.

Meanwhile the mods on this site are making the attempt. Succeed or fail the effort gets appreciated.

Even Hitler saved a jew. Mothers doctor. Mother died from cancer. Despite the fact his mother died, Hitler went out of his way to get that one jew out of Germany. Because they tried. They gave a **** to try. If you didn't even try then what are you worth? Every other jew can burn for all Hitler cared. Personally I make the useless useful. But I know the hate too. Remember it. Even if I don't hate now.

I see the best in everyone. And the worst too. Worst comes from best logic. Even the most heartless of people can learn. Legit.

You can always keep going. You too can learn to be unstoppable. Just got to face your problems more. Consider what else you ignore in your life. How do you overcome a fear? By facing it. Otherwise it's just conflict avoidance. Which breeds more conflict. It's up to you if you choose to make it about resentment or not. You can fight. You can argue. But the absence of conflict? That is resentment. It's like drinking poison and hoping for your enemy to die. Well, do I look dead to you? I'm stronger. Faster. Smarter. Want a cup of tea? What you worry about again?

How silly to pretend you can't. Here's a muffin on a hill. Want it? Go get it. You want something? EARN it. WORK for it. Or you can't want it badly enough.
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Well-known Member
Xen-Omni 2020
Life is short, no point dwelling on small insignificant stuff.

I will just focus on the good, and stop myself letting myself be weighed down.


Well-known Member
Life is short, no point dwelling on small insignificant stuff.

I will just focus on the good, and stop myself letting myself be weighed down.
Why do dragons hoard gold? Because the answers you most need are in the places you least want to look.

"Make" the time and it lasts longer. You'll learn more that way. Rush through life and it's over before you know it.

Patience. Observation. Control. Just look at Virgil as an example.


Well-known Member
you should get some therapeutic help bro.

trying to get us to fight the other forum won't help you heal.
I've actually been giving advice that's backed up by them. You're using the "**** off and get help" card to ignore YOUR problems.

You heard me.

You're afaid of me. Maybe it's not me that needs help then. Are you going to take your own advice? Didn't think so. Do what you preach or change your speech.

You fight yourself. It's you that is resisting and has inner conflict. You are clearly showing fear (pushing me away proves that) and take things as a personal attack (Fear of arguments). That's a you problem. Not a me problem. You got desprate and gave into fear.

You're self projecting yourself on me is what I'm saying. You're afraid of your own reflection. That's all you can fear. I'm not the one that's "hurt" or "afraid" here. So it can't be me. Therefor it must be you. By process of elimination alone. You misunderstand me.

"Should/shouldn't" logic is expectations. It's flawed logic. Try again.

A fear of arguments is what prevents healing. What other arguments do you try to avoid in your life then?

For the recored, "forcing help" can be a good way to drive people into self harm. Online to be clear. You don't decide what I do. I decide that. You can't even give a choice. Consider taking your own advice when you speak as if you decide for others. There's certain wording I won't use. For that reason. Do you understand? If you take a "danger talk" as personal attack then maybe consider taking your own advice. I'll be fine. But do that to someone else? Just think.

If you take everything as a personal attack then I'm the least of your problems. That's YOUR problem.

The problem isn't the problem. The problem is your attitude towards the problem. -Jack Sparrow.
He's got a point. I see the silver lining. You on the other hand don't see opportunity. You only see "just a problem". And you dare to decide for others as if it's up to you.


Reminder: I get off on danger. When I say it, it doesn't mean "hurt feelings". It means "You could get people hurt or killed from stupidty". There's a reason the mods on this site are helping me with a situatuion regarding this. It's not about "just me". So get off your high horse. Stop trying to be a white knight.

I get dark and morbid. So when I say "dagner", then trust me. I'm talking about those "code black" situations. That you could drive other people into without realizing. You don't see what happens with people behind the monitor. Remember that. You don't know better if you go "I decide for you" (you should). Remember that.

It's wording. Wording matters. Certain key words. Just be mindful of anything that goes "You have too" or "We should". etc. Getting the idea? Otherwise other people (not me) can feel trapped, as if they have no choice. That's my concern here. If you say it to me then you'll do it to others from habit alone. I want to see you admitting what you did and owning up to it. Because if you don't you will be doomed to repeat the mistake. I warned you of the danger of this specific mistake already.

"Here is some advice" and "I speak for myself" would be different. See the difference? I wouldn't say "You have too" or "We should" for example. It's because I once did that in the past that I'm warning you on this matter.

Online roleplay can help people overcome trauma btw. Due to your own actions/choices. etc.
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V's patron

be loyal to what matters
I've actually been giving advice that's backed up by them. You're using the "**** off and get help" card to ignore YOUR problems.

You heard me.

You're afaid of me. Maybe it's not me that needs help then. Are you going to take your own advice? Didn't think so. Do what you preach or change your speech.

You fight yourself. It's you that is resisting and has inner conflict. You are clearly showing fear (pushing me away proves that) and take things as a personal attack (Fear of arguments). That's a you problem. Not a me problem. You got desprate and gave into fear.

You're self projecting yourself on me is what I'm saying. You're afraid of your own reflection. That's all you can fear. I'm not the one that's "hurt" or "afraid" here. So it can't be me. Therefor it must be you. By process of elimination alone. You misunderstand me.

"Should/shouldn't" logic is expectations. It's flawed logic. Try again.

A fear of arguments is what prevents healing. What other arguments do you try to avoid in your life then?

For the recored, "forcing help" can be a good way to drive people into self harm. Online to be clear. You don't decide what I do. I decide that. You can't even give a choice. Consider taking your own advice when you speak as if you decide for others. There's certain wording I won't use. For that reason. Do you understand? If you take a "danger talk" as personal attack then maybe consider taking your own advice. I'll be fine. But do that to someone else? Just think.

If you take everything as a personal attack then I'm the least of your problems. That's YOUR problem.

The problem isn't the problem. The problem is your attitude towards the problem. -Jack Sparrow.
He's got a point. I see the silver lining. You on the other hand don't see opportunity. You only see "just a problem". And you dare to decide for others as if it's up to you.


Reminder: I get off on danger. When I say it, it doesn't mean "hurt feelings". It means "You could get people hurt or killed from stupidty". There's a reason the mods on this site are helping me with a situatuion regarding this. It's not about "just me". So get off your high horse. Stop trying to be a white knight.

I get dark and morbid. So when I say "dagner", then trust me. I'm talking about those "code black" situations. That you could drive other people into without realizing. You don't see what happens with people behind the monitor. Remember that. You don't know better if you go "I decide for you" (you should). Remember that.

It's wording. Wording matters. Certain key words. Just be mindful of anything that goes "You have too" or "We should". etc. Getting the idea? Otherwise other people (not me) can feel trapped, as if they have no choice. That's my concern here. If you say it to me then you'll do it to others from habit alone. I want to see you admitting what you did and owning up to it. Because if you don't you will be doomed to repeat the mistake. I warned you of the danger of this specific mistake already.

"Here is some advice" and "I speak for myself" would be different. See the difference? I wouldn't say "You have too" or "We should" for example. It's because I once did that in the past that I'm warning you on this matter.

Online roleplay can help people overcome trauma btw. Due to your own actions/choices. etc.
i have been taking therapy for 5+ years. i manage my issues as best i can. i rarely bring my real issues here.

im not the one regurgitating the same argument in several different threads.

i doubt whoever you are getting help from are telling you to do so.

what is your endgame with all these posts?
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Well-known Member
i have been taking therapy for 5+ years.

im not the one regurgitating the same argument in several different threads.
You didn't say a single word about what I stated. That's why you're in therapy. Read your post again. At what point did you ever state anything about what I said in my post when I pointed out your mistakes?

Only people that avoid accountability would need threapy.

I pointed out mistakes that can do more then just hurt peoples feelings. Most things I won't caution against. But certain mistakes I will. Certain mistakes I can't afford to make. Seaking from experience.

Are you going to say something about how you went "You should" as if you decide for others when it's not up to you? I have all day. All week. You may as well admit it.

V's patron

be loyal to what matters
You didn't say a single word about what I stated. That's why you're in therapy. Read your post again. At what point did you ever state anything about what I said in my post when I pointed out your mistakes?

Only people that avoid accountability would need threapy.

I pointed out mistakes that can do more then just hurt peoples feelings. Most things I won't caution against. But certain mistakes I will. Certain mistakes I can't afford to make. Seaking from experience.

Are you going to say something about how you went "You should" as if you decide for others when it's not up to you? I have all day. All week. You may as well admit it.
my post was a suggestion as i didnt see your current tactic as making any progress.

what you do with it is up to you.

i read your posts and sympathisize with your plight.

but what's your endgame with all these posts? we are not an army for you to raise up against the forum.
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Well-known Member
my post was a suggestion as i didnt see your current tactic as making any progress.

what you do with it is up to you.

i read your posts and sympathisize with your plight.

but what's your endgame with all these posts? we are not an army for you to raise up against the forum.
I don't need your sympathy. You can keep your self pity.

1: I pointed out a mistake you made. "You should". The wording. I said it's about wording.
2: This is a mistake that HAS driven people into self harm. Online.
3: ADMIT your mistake.
4: Accountability.

I'm not talking about other people here. I'm talking about YOU.


Well-known Member
@Taramafor and @V’s Patron

Both of you, please stop. Taramafor, you have been spamming the forums for days now with intense posts. I have forwarded your concerns to the admins, but as they have not logged on recently, there is nothing I or anyone else on this site can do to address them. I have asked you before to please sit tight, and I am asking you again.

V- I understand you are trying to help, but please leave this to the forum staff and refrain from starting anything else

Rebel Dynasty

Creator of Microcosms
The Aurora Borealis was gorgeous. <3 How many of you saw it/caught it on camera? (I could sort of see it, but my phone was superior to my eyes).


+ Work is going to be a madhouse this weekend, I just know it. (Canadian Thanksgiving this Monday, which means people are guaranteed to be doing their last minute shopping--and as we're one of the few places open on the holidays...) ._. I like bringing in another pay cheque, though. Lets us save a little bit more, even if we're still struggling with rising prices like pretty much everyone else.

++Getting a little tired of all this rain...


Well-known Member
@Taramafor and @V’s Patron

Both of you, please stop. Taramafor, you have been spamming the forums for days now with intense posts. I have forwarded your concerns to the admins, but as they have not logged on recently, there is nothing I or anyone else on this site can do to address them. I have asked you before to please sit tight, and I am asking you again.

V- I understand you are trying to help, but please leave this to the forum staff and refrain from starting anything else
I'm quite calm and in control. I assure you. I mean to scare you at this point. It's intended.

This time Meg read more carefully. SLOW down. Patience. I know when people act from desperation and haste.

Conflict phobia. This is intense physical distress, anxiety and panic symptoms when in a disagreement.
Meg. V. You two are jumping at your own reflection.

A fear of arguments and quietly sitting there doesn't mean I can read your minds. MAKE arguments happen. Because it will happen anyway. If it doesn't something WORSE happens. I keep warning you people about this.

Meg. Try again. Anything other then "shut the **** up". Just try it for once in your fearful life. This isn't about F-chat right now. I said I had a concern with V. And now you. I'm not the one pretending to be some white knight here. I know exactly what I'm doing. If you give into fear like that then you clearly don't.

Why let the fear win?

On that note. V. Here is a topic I would like you to talk to your threapist about. The topic of "Controlling everything" vs "Letting it all happen". I'm very sure it will help. Quite certain. Because that is when I learned to stop living in fear.

Ex mods would also say the same.

If you make any move when you are afraid or desperate, acting in haste, then PAUSE. Think it through.

You're so afraid of what you want. You just choose not to see it.

Just accept a misunderstanding is exactly that.

I don't notice these problems in places that don't try to control everything. So the way I see it Meg, you're giving into fear. And that's a mistake. "Fear itself" is why these problems happen. Don't you know better by now?

I was talking about accountbality, fighting your own batttles, and love in the topic Meg deleted. Clearly they didn't even try to pay attention.

Only a liar would try to silence people.

I'm not afraid. I know what I do is right and true.

Haven't you noticed conflict avoidance breeds more conflict? And that is therapist approved. To resist is to suffer. Heed my warning.

I don't trust that. I don't trust you right now Meg. Not when you try to silence love of all things.

Again I say it.
Flaws is the point.
Love is the point.

And you say there's no point?
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