Happy Easter!
I'm currently thinking about 2 things.
1. I'm in a video game publisher fantasy league and am thinking of dropping Redfall after more recent negative pre-release showcasing. But I'm not sure what to replace it with. CP77 expansion? Darkest Dungeon 2? Cocoon? Mina the Hollower? After Us? Or Last Case of Benedict Fox?
2. What do and how to mentally/emotionally prep for a possible "break up" w/ an LDR. Our "relationship" is complicated. She lives in another country (Honduras. I love in the USA). We've been talking essentially every day since Dec 2020. I visited her in Oct 2021 and she just visited me this past week. We've gone through a lot of ups and downs and she told me she wants to focus on her #1 priority dream of being a self-made independent woman in her country, but also wanted to see if "anything changed" for us on her visit. Her time here felt mixed to me. Some great moments, but a lot of neutral or tepid moments. She was having womanly issues, so I think that contributed to her attitude at times, but she definitely was not as affectionate and enthusiastic as when I visited her.
Ultimately, she said she still wants to focus on her life in Honduras, but will go wherever God leads her. I know I need to "clear things up", but I feel that won't work, as her previous 2 answers when I asked were always "I don't know". So it really will be up to me to just cut it off or...keep talking to her, in hopes things change in months or years. I really do love her and I think she has feelings for me but is just torn between her feelings and her desire to complete her dreams. I know if you love something, you should let it go if it is in need of being let go. But that's the thing, things can still work out in the long run... just very VERY LONG run... So it's up to me if I want to be patient. I'm older and don't really want to wait around. So...just some decisions to be made and I'm thinking how I'll go about making them.