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The Dark Avenger © †
Premium Elite
Supporter 2014
Xen-Omni 2020
Yooo so because the shop where I work at is currently having a complete refit everything has been moved around and customers don't like not knowing where anything is. Which I do understand.

Some dude came up to me and was like "Where's the ice cream? They've bloody moved it again".

I then find out the last time the store underwent any changes like this was back in 2008. That was 13 years ago. Everything has been exactly where it usually was for 13 years then some tubs of ice cream get transferred to a different area of the store and you flip your s**t? You need to calm down, Sir.


I Saw the Devil
Just... wah wah wah.
Just venting and thinking.

There are two stories I always wanted to put together. Well, that's not true, there dozens of stories I wanted to write, but there really are only two I I've developed over the years. One was an Evangelion story and the other was a DMC story. Like anyone else's, this story was something I thought up for a hypothetical game I dreamed up. Yeah, I know: Everyone and their mthfckn' grandma, right? Still, these were things I had put a lot of my idle time thinking up. While listening to music or exercising. Daydreaming a way to make these thoughts into cohesive stories. Or, you know what, scratch that, fanfics. That's really what they'd be. Saying stories might sound more eminent, and they are stories, that much is true, they are sequences of events put together to conform narratives, but ultimately, they'd just be fanfics.
Here's the thing, though, they only exist in my head. I've never put them to paper or page and if something only exists in your head then it doesn't exist at all. It has no shape, it cannot be measured, observed or judged. It has not tangible form or presence. It cannot be seen, heard or experienced by anyone except the one who is conscious of it and, well, with a description like that, it might as well all equate to a symptom of madness. They are dreams, and dreams are less than air. It might have no substances nor can it be seen, but can be measured and felt and it has a real impact here, in reality.
I never put any of my ideas into paper because I never felt they were ever good enough. That what I'd create would ever measure up to what those who were doing the real thing could do. When I started my YT channel I wanted it to be substantial. Not something sloppy and mediocre. I put so much work and thought and attention to all of my videos but, even so, I often still feel like I ended up with incohesive drivel whenever I watched them again. Well. Learn and grow. Improve. That's how I see that. I'm still proud of the work I do in them, some of them were downright herculean tasks to put together and I will always take pride in being able to say I made that, but I still feel like I dropped the ball with most of them.
This obsessive compulsive want for doing things right or not at all is why I never worked the effort to put my thoughts to the page. If it's not good enough then what's the point? It'd just get lost in a sea of more just like it. I wanted to make my work stand out but the older I get the less time I have to polish my thoughts and take on substantial projects. I wanted to draw them, maybe, but there are just not enough hours left in the day. In my case, putting my dreams down is not good enough, I really do want to lay down the threaded clothes of heaven (yeah, f**k off. I know how pretentious that sounds. I'm venting here).
I've always been a tremendous daydreamer. My teachers had a grand time making an example out of me, so I know I'll probably continue to dream up these stories and try to polish them up for my self, but I've gotten to a point where I've realized that if they really are just in my head then they are not real. I think to myself, should I, shouldn't I? Do I want to? ... I guess... Oh, yeah, showing some real commitment, right there, ain't you, lad? And, well, yeah, that's not to be dismissed, I have other things I committed myself to, so, could I do it? I don't know. I am trapped in a limbo of 'can I/should I/how?'
When my brother died all of his dreams went with him. He was musician. He was in a band and I had to clear out the files from our computer. It was full of songs that never were because he never completed them and I felt rather hollow for it. I couldn't do anything with them because I'm not a musician, anymore. Not like he was. Even if some stupid BS fanfics would I be ok if I let my thoughts go with me? It's why I started my channel, because I have thoughts I feel strongly enough about to want to share them. Even as I type this, though, I feel silly, I feel childish. They are just fan stories. Whoopty fkn' doo! Will the content of the universe really be altered in any substantial way if I put them on paper or not? As it is, we are in the age of vanity, the age of egos. Each and everyone of them is interconnected by an extensive network of fiber optic cables and wireless fidelity signals that try to seek validation over the most empty of whims so when the question 'does it really matter, though' comes up saying 'well, it does to me' feels like a rather shallow and meaningless concern in a realm basically composed of shallow and meaningless concerns.
I really do feel foolish agonizing over this because, well, does it really matter? I am even really ever going to commit myself to it? Add to that The work I tried to do in order to finance my projects just isn't helping me get the resources I need, either, so I don't have, nor do I think I will ever have, the tools to make what I want to the degree I want to pull off. Were I to die today, though (No, I'm not dying! I'm speaking hypothetically, in case someone actually thought that), would I be ok letting my dreams go with me? My dreams dreams, not my aspirations or hopes. Just the vain thoughts of my idle brain, though, I guess those other ones would go with me, as well. Maybe I should call them my daydreams. I just don't know which I'd find worse: that they'd die off with me never to have existed or that they'd be forever lost and in the ether because it was all so incredibly who gives a s***. Who knows. Maybe I want too much. Add to that, when you take into consideration the nature of the things I'm talking about it all seems rather puerile.
I've had my work torn down before, too. It's terribly demoralizing. You feel downright defeated. All that work and effort. All that thought and study and time basically thrown out to the garbage. It slows you down and makes you feels heavy. Right now, I'm working on something that I think might be taken down. I'm hoping it won't, I really do, and I refuse to back down and leave it unmade, but, still, there's always that 'concern.' It's not necessarily a video taken down. There are other ways for something you made to be torn down and that is always on my mind.
You know, Rumiko Takahashi works like a mad woman. If you saw her schedule you'd think she'd be dead in a month. Me, on the other hand, can't seem to pull enough focus. I'm also not really a writer. I mean, clearly, if you take this unfocused melaky that really threads a bit too much into the pretentious as an example you can clearly see what I mean. Yet, I want to and I needed to say so, but I don't know that I can or will.
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V's patron

be loyal to what matters
I watched Black Widow and enjoyed it alot. I was iffy on the prequel aspect but it sold me on it. The estranged family dynamic works. Yelena is great and I'm looking forward to her becoming the next Black Widow. Dreykov is alright- he's not the worst MCU villian but not the best.
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V's patron

be loyal to what matters
The new Cowboy Bebop Teaser is pretty fun....damn I haven't seen the anime since I was in college....atleast now I can watch both. ;).

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Rebel Dynasty

Creator of Microcosms
Apparently Superman having a kid is controversial within that fandom.

I did not know that before I joined.

Is it just about him having a kid, or is it *that* discourse currently going around? I can't imagine what they're problem is in either case, but the former is especially baffling.

CT: It's almost noon and I still haven't eaten anything. No wonder I feel so awful. >.>

V's patron

be loyal to what matters
Is it just about him having a kid, or is it *that* discourse currently going around? I can't imagine what they're problem is in either case, but the former is especially baffling.

CT: It's almost noon and I still haven't eaten anything. No wonder I feel so awful. >.>
That discourse exists but the former surprised me more. There are a group of fans that don't like Superman having kids or being married. If it was Spiderman I'd understand it better. Spiderman is typecasted as being youthful or a high-schooler. But Supes is an old soul to me.

I grew up with Harry Potter so I prefer characters changing than staying static. But Marvel and DC is built on status quo being set in stone. It could be a generational thing or they just have a preference for Superman in his younger days?

I get that because I have a fondness for DMC3 Dante.

Superman's son Jon is a fun side character but not that interesting on his own. Him taking over for his dad is another sticking point and maybe why people don't want Superman to have kids?

You should eat something ;). Sometimes I have my best ideas while eating.
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Well-known Member
Xen-Ace 2021
Superman's had a kid or kids since at least the 1970s.

In World's Finest Comics, with a publication period spanning 45 years, Superman Jr. and Batman Jr. debuted in issue #215 in 1973 as the Super Sons.
In 1986's Superman: Whatever Happened to the Man of Tomorrow? Supes took on a civilian identity named Jordan Elliot, married Lois, and had a son named Jonathan (presumably also Elliot).
In 1999's Son of Superman, the main character was, of course, the Son of Superman, named Jon Kent. In Superman & Batman: Generations, his son with Lois doesn't have a name.
In 2000's JLA: Created Equal, Superman's son is Adam Kent.

If it was Spiderman I'd understand it better.
No, it is still stupid if even if it is Spider-Man they're complaining about. He was already married in the late 1980s at the behest of Stan Lee, and there's a reason why One More Day is still the worst story arc to ever happen to Peter. He's not a K-Pop idol that needs a false image of purity superimposed on him so his fans don't feel bad about themselves; they should just stop being whiny instead.

V's patron

be loyal to what matters
Superman's had a kid or kids since at least the 1970s.

In World's Finest Comics, with a publication period spanning 45 years, Superman Jr. and Batman Jr. debuted in issue #215 in 1973 as the Super Sons.
In 1986's Superman: Whatever Happened to the Man of Tomorrow? Supes took on a civilian identity named Jordan Elliot, married Lois, and had a son named Jonathan (presumably also Elliot).
In 1999's Son of Superman, the main character was, of course, the Son of Superman, named Jon Kent. In Superman & Batman: Generations, his son with Lois doesn't have a name.
In 2000's JLA: Created Equal, Superman's son is Adam Kent.

No, it is still stupid if even if it is Spider-Man they're complaining about. He was already married in the late 1980s at the behest of Stan Lee, and there's a reason why One More Day is still the worst story arc to ever happen to Peter. He's not a K-Pop idol that needs a false image of purity superimposed on him so his fans don't feel bad about themselves; they should just stop being whiny instead.
To them, Superman having a kid is fine if it's out of continuity.

I don't support either take. I was just trying to wrap my head around it. Same with the whole Rey should be Luke's kid faction.

Dark Waters is more uplifting than I thought it would be.


Earthbound Immortal
Christmas is but two months away and everyone seems to be doing their shopping now all of a sudden.

I know it's supposed to be all about the act of giving and not the gift itself, but upon observing others I had a thought. Your son asks you for a book for Christmas and it's one fairly easily available. However whilst not poor per se, you've never been super well off either and so you've always managed to live thriftily. For that reason, you went and bought the book in question from a used book store for a couple of pounds cheaper than just buying a new copy. As he was holding up the book to me and gloating about how he's already finished his Christmas shopping, I couldn't help but observe that the cover is peeling off, large numbers of pages have been bent and the pages themselves are a horrible yellow colour. If I was still a librarian, it would have gone in the trash and not a Christmas stocking.

Man, I couldn't help but think about whether there's a line between ungratefulness versus expecting better of gifts. If I were the lucky kid, I might have preferred getting coal for Christmas as at least that would have been funny and not sad. :unsure:
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V's patron

be loyal to what matters
The Uncharted movie trailer looks fine but I'm not really stoked after seeing it.

I'm not a huge fan of them so I wasn't in a rush to see adapted.

If it was a Jak and Daxter movie, I'd have a different reaction.
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Well-known Member
Xen-Ace 2021
The Uncharted movie trailer looks fine but I'm not really stoked after seeing it.

I'm not a huge fan of them so I wasn't in a rush to see adapted.

If it was a Jak and Daxter movie, I'd have a different reaction.
Yeah, but it's well documented that you have bad taste in fandoms and let that cover for lack of quality, so that goes without saying.

No, seriously

We already got a live-action Uncharted: it was the fan film with Nathan Fillion and Stephen Lang.


V's patron

be loyal to what matters
Yeah, but it's well documented that you have bad taste in fandoms and let that cover for lack of quality, so that goes without saying.

No, seriously

We already got a live-action Uncharted: it was the fan film with Nathan Fillion and Stephen Lang.

I like what I like bruv. Even if it puts me against the grain.... ;)


ʙʟᴏᴏᴅ ғᴏʀ ғʀᴇᴇᴅᴏᴍ
Backstory: There's this story-based fitness app that got me into running in 2020, and there's a character in it who loves Curly Wurlies. It's a chocolate caramel candy made by Cadbury and to my knowledge, not available in my country.
The Facebook group of the said fitness app had a candy swap event: send candy from your country, receive candy from somewhere else. My swap partner was British and of course they sent me Curly Wurlies because of that fitness app character.

Now to what am I thinking: that candy box was worth saving because those Curly Wurlies are AWESOME. My mother-in-law told me caramel made her feel a lot better after her every labor and it seems to be a thing for me as well. It helps with my headache, and as they are small, it's easy to stick to small amounts :)


ʙʟᴏᴏᴅ ғᴏʀ ғʀᴇᴇᴅᴏᴍ
Reading comics about American kids and teens going about their daily lives and then I find myself asking the question:

"What's an 'allowance'?"

"Curfew" is something that really confused me in that context.


Father's Day is soon and I'm wondering what to give my husband. There's one thing he needs and that's a good night's sleep, but he doesn't want to leave us alone night-time so a hotel booking is not the one. Any ideas? Thought about a gift card to a fancy restaurant to be used with his brother whenever he feels like it, but I'm not sure :unsure:

+ I played a bit guitar beside the little one's crib and she fell asleep so tight I had to check she was still breathing.
Maybe I'm not that bad guitar player after all... I sorta expected she'd start to cry :LOL:
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