Been thinking a lot about ADD lately... I've been suspecting it for about a year, I think, since I learned that forgetting stuff, speaking too fast, not having any memory about what was I saying before a random noise interrupted me, having troubles listening the question in full before answering etc can be symptoms of adult ADD. I didn't seek any help for it, because I've thought I can fight it on my own when I know my challenges, but now that we're having a kid I think I have to get it examined properly in case it's hereditary.
Just that what I've heard, ADD should be observed in reflection to the childhood behaviour as well. What can I say about it? I have major blackouts about my childhood, thanks to CPTSD. I can only remember that even though I did well at school, my "good behaviour grade" was always C or even D and I struggled to have it, whereas other girls got A or B. I didn't seek to cause trouble, I wanted to be good, it just happened for stuff like "dancing around when pupils were supposed to stay on their place" or not having any impulse control at all with my words and ideas. On the other hand, my grades don't support any ADD issues.
So if it's not ADD, I'm fine with that and I'll just keep thinking I have to practice my memory, my rhythm of speech, and impulse control. But if it is a neuropsychological issue, I want it to be diagnosed right so if the kid has any trouble, hereditary chances in problems like this would be considered.
Pfft. I don't even know where to contact with this. "Hi, I've never been suspected to actually have issues like this, but I did a random Internet test about ADD and it says if you get over 70 points you'd have 95 % chance of having ADD, and I got 84. Is this hypochondria?"