I just got informed that someone I know has some serious mental issues. We're not very close, nevertheless their behaviour earlier told me that something was wrong. Just that I didn't know it's this serious... We're talking about delusions and paranoia, schizophrenic stuff, psychosis maybe, and I just keep thinking if I should contact some healthcare officials about this to get them into hospital or something

At the same time I hate the fact that I was even told about this. It feels like since I know something about this stuff, I'm expected to be the psychiatrist in here, despite that this whole thing is really triggering for me and that I would love to remain unaware of this stuff, not because I don't care, but because I
cannot care if I want to stay safe.
+ Dear coworkers: "A day off" equals to "I don't have to answer any work-related phone calls if I'm busy and tired". I don't care if you didn't check the weekly shopping list properly, I need my free time to rest. Use some common sense or call our boss directly. It's not my fault if you're too embarrassed to do that... maybe it'll teach you something.