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Sometimes I browse through Facebook and think "man my life hasn't changed while 'X and X are having their fourth child and taking selfies at bars.' Surely my lack of change is a issue?" But then I remind myself "Well I pay my car on time, I've maintained a job for many years and my room is clean." That is when I realize I need to stop basing my life on what others do, I am doing just fine!
I played the old school Mario on the Nintendo on my holiday.
It reminded me how much I now suck at games (I remember getting waaaaaay further in the game as a kid) but also how much bloody fun it is to just play.
So next on my list is the Nintendo, and either Xbox1 or PS4. Otherwise I'll never get to play DMC5.

Has anyone else noticed how there was a sort of hop between these three movies where they took similar plot points from eachother?

Incredibles 1: Villain looks up to hero, hero rejects them, villain becomes evil.

Iron Man 3: Villain looks up to hero, hero rejects them, villain becomes evil. Later on, another villain who hijacks TV screens to make threats and stuff is revealed to not be entirely who they're presented as onscreen.

Incredibles 2. A villain who hijacks TV screens to make threats and stuff is revealed to not be entirely who they're presented as onscreen.

I can't remember the last time I felt this good. I best make use of all this energy while I can, methinks. ^^ Especially since the hub will be home for a visit next weekend. (Halfway through his course; thank the freaking gods. Getting to September after all this should be a breeze).

+Of course I forgot to buy milk yesterday. :facepalm: Now I need to decide whether it's worth going to the store for the second day in a row, or if kiddo can make the milk it last for at least part of the weekend.
Sometimes I browse through Facebook and think "man my life hasn't changed while 'X and X are having their fourth child and taking selfies at bars.' Surely my lack of change is a issue?" But then I remind myself "Well I pay my car on time, I've maintained a job for many years and my room is clean." That is when I realize I need to stop basing my life on what others do, I am doing just fine!
Yes, do that. Do you. You want to get drunk? Go get drunk! You want to play games? Play games. If you want to drink beer and play games, do it! Whatever you want to do, do it. Don't worry about what others are doing.

By the way, this is actually where the "keep up with the Kardashains" or "keep up with the joneses" fits perfectly. You're comparing yourself to people on facebook. And in real life, you'll compare yourself with others the same way if you keep going down this road. So, again: Do you. Do what you want.
@Carlos I agree. But If I still think it's best to steer clear. Their are plenty of childless women out there... (Looks at current cesspool of choices) Errors have been made. >_>
If that's how you feel, then I can't force you. My opinion is "so what" to "errors have been made." I danced and kissed a married woman. I liked, loved, and still love her to this day. But I know in my mind that it's the wrong union. Not because she cheated on her husband (he deserved it), but because of things she put into her body, and how low self-esteem she has of herself. I have more mistakes with women, but I lived, and that's the point that I'm trying to make here.
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