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So Marvel Infinity Wars is supposed to have like 200 or something folks on screen at one time or other. But Japan did that like 6 years ago with Super Hero Wars so... Yeah Marvel not impressed. :meh:
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Working myself to the point of mental exhaustion lately seems to be benefitting my sleep. Well, as much as can be expected, anyway. Downside is, the side effect seems to be more regular headaches.

Oh, well. Can't win 'em all.

+Discovering I could upload my E-book format of WoN onto my Kindle app has made the read-through process so much easier. ^^
Is it weird that I'm using the read-through/edit of WoN as a reward to motivate myself to write and finish scenes on AG and S&F? Just the fact that I'm rewarding work with more work... :unsure:

I think I might be a workaholic. At least where writing is concerned. Which reminds me--pretty sure Francina Simone uploaded a new video along the same vein. Really should check that out soon...

+Definitely need to drink more water. x_x What with it being "Roll up the Rim" time, my caffeine intake has doubled. Which really isn't saying much, to be honest; four cups is nothing compared to some of the people I know. >.> (Granted, one of those cups yesterday was the equivalent of three, but I digress...)
I think if you ever did a live action version of YuGiOh! I rather focus on the supernatural life and death games of the beginning manga than the card game antics the manga later focuses on. It might appeal more to an older demographic and just be more engaging visually.

I would still keep the card games but give them less focus and keep them as a part of Yugi's normal life. They'd be the subplot of the episode where he goes to have fun like what this youtuber is saying,

"Your argument seems to be based on a market switch like from carrier pigeon to Skype, but if robots take up majority of the jobs, there will not be a market switch. This will raise unemployment and eventually disincentivize employers from replacing humans with robots due to little to no demand. My concern with it is employers will take a long time to realize that it won't benefit them in the long run."
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Welp, just be notified that I've been with the DMC forums for fives year.... Wow, time sure flies by, huh? Love you guys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
That's nothing. I am one post away from 7,000... I might wait for my birthday to post numero seven oh oh oh.

Oh, never mind. That's 7000. Been here long...
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I'm sorry, dude. :( I really was interested in hearing about your courses next year, and whatnot. But with you talking quietly and the bus rolling up, I couldn't hear you. I seriously was not doing the, "I'm pretending to listen, but I don't really care" nod. It was more of a, "I can't hear you, but I don't want to do the awkward 'pardon?' thing more than once" nod...which sadly looks the same. >.>

No wonder the kid doesn't bother trying to talk to me anymore. ._.