Ah, I finally retrieved my violin from my mom's house. And it looks in working order. Now I just need to read string it. :3
Damnit dude, now I want a cheeseburger with fries and I just had dinner, what have you done.Meat is amazing. Sausages, steaks, burgers, ribs... Now this is making me hungry even though I've eaten a sausage and pudding barely a minute ago.
+I should really post more often, my lurkness is getting a bit high for my tastes.
I need to make a playlist of 'wake up' songs.
Like, Wake me up before you go go, that song.
And the Winnie the Pooh song ' gotta get up, gotta get going....'
Any other suggestions?
Ugh, tomorrow's the first day of February. My most hated month.
The month of the Super Bowl, the Academy Awards, Valentine's Day, and Black History.
I wish I could be put into a 28-day sleep.
Please don't let the camera find me tonight. Please, God. Don't put my face on national TV.