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Stay strong.
Keep going.
Stay strong.
Keep going
This walk is hard, but the hardest walks lead to the greatest destinations.
It will be worth it in the end.
And if you show what you are made of the right people will show up in your life.
You won't be alone forever.

You have qualities only few can admire because most don't possess it.
You have strength that only few can understand because most have never experienced it.
So don't give in. Don't settle. Don't lower your expectations to fit into the world.
You were born to lead.

It does not matter if you have to walk alone for a while.
It is much better to walk alone in the right direction than to follow the herd walking in the wrong direction.
Stay strong, be different. Your destiny is in your hands so get out there and hunt it.

There is no better way to fight weakness than with strength.
Pain is not your enemy, it is your calling to greatness.
Commit yourself to something great and positive every day.

Never ask, "why me?"
Say, how can I use this, what can I gain from this?
Don't worry about what you've got to work with, but how to work with what you've got.

Have courage. Keep strong. Keep going.

When life burns you, and you feel like you're suffocating and the heat is getting too much to bear, hold on for just another day. When you feel like you can't go on one more second, push through that moment because it is within that moment that you shed the impurities that have been clogging you down.
And even though you're not free of the troubles and pains of the world, you are stronger than you were before, you are strengthened yet fragile enough to be malleable but now you know that you can endure the heat.

You can get through this.
This, too, shall have its a** kicked.
Another point in your court. Another 'been there' T-shirt added to your wardrobe.
Some times when things bother you, not even rational can help you.

I'm looking at my house and I'm left thinking. "What have I gained in these last years?" At my age I should be proud that I own a home. Yet, due to minor failures in life, (that truly mean nothing in the grand scheme of things) I'm left disappointed. That shouldn't be.
@Dante's Stalker Dunno if you were aiming that at yourself or if it was meant for anyone, but suffice it to say it's had a very positive effect in this corner. ^^

CT: I suppose I can leave the last scene of the chapter for tomorrow, then do the entire chapter following it. It may not feel like it, but progress has been made, just the same; even if I wind up doing another three drafts after this one.

+Coffee at this hour might've been a bad call. Oh well. C'est la vie. ^^;
OK so when did prom become a thing in the UK and why is it currently threatening to cost as much a as wedding??

Teenage girls. Cannot afford them.

We even had a leaving 'prom' when I was in school, everyone hired out limos/luxury cars to venues & wore suits and expressive dresses. Dont know when it happened or why its a thing but I do remember it, can see that being expensive for me down the line too.
Anxious. The person who accused me of stealing their characters is back. He hasn't said anything to me directly yet, but he has made it clear that he still hates me and the admins of the site through some deliberately vague wording on his profile.

Just great... Now how am I going to get any writing done?
We even had a leaving 'prom' when I was in school, everyone hired out limos/luxury cars to venues & wore suits and expressive dresses. Dont know when it happened or why its a thing but I do remember it, can see that being expensive for me down the line too.
We don't have proms here in Spain, and I honestly don't know why people waste so much money in a party. Is looking good so important?
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We don't have proms here in Spain, and I honestly don't know why people waste so much money in a party. Is looking good so important?
We have proms here in Croatia, with fancy clothing and dinner in a hotel, blown out of proportions simply cause of tradition and the need to celebrate the huge milestone in the most special way possible.
I don't know if they still do father-daughter waltz, but that was ridiculous, both my dad and I were too embarassed to do it. The dress was pricey and I maybe wore it once after the prom, it just uses up space in my closet.
We don't have proms here in Spain, and I honestly don't know why people waste so much money in a party. Is looking good so important?

At that age people can be pretty shallow but its mainly just a way to celebrate leaving school & milestone of becoming an adult as Viper said.
Should I eat chips? That is the key question.

Also... What the hell just transpired today?

God, telling die hard Dragon Ball fans that you like the Uncut Dub of Dragon Ball is like asking a terrorist to shoot you in the junk. Its Internet suicide! I like the Japanese cast, I do but God forbid I like the Funimation cast!
(Im talking about the Uncut Dub of DB, DBZ, and DBGT. Not the Uncut Dub of DBZ Kai)
@Rebel Dynasty It's not directed at anyone specific but I know a few people on here (including myself) who could do with a motivating pep talk, so everyone is free to take or leave what they get from it.

ct: This is really horrible. I don't want to skip out on dinner with my BF tonight but I'm still feeling real shaky and off from yesterday. :poop: I just want to go to sleep.
Feels good to be writing Victoria and Reaver again. "I think I can get it open!" "No, I've seen you pick locks before." "...what's that meant to mean?" "Nothing!" "I can pick locks perfectly well, Victoria, thank you very much!" Weird, bickering idjits. I love them.
(Guess I'll work on Bloodwrit once I'm less frustrated.)

++ Why am I so tired? I just wanna hibernate and it's not even summer. D:
+++ ...I think Glory and I have the same cheekbones. -just noticed-