Damn. I was hoping it was so I could see another video of him.Nah, it was from "The Great British Bake Off".
Though Ainsley is a true legend. ♡
Damn. I was hoping it was so I could see another video of him.Nah, it was from "The Great British Bake Off".
Though Ainsley is a true legend. ♡
He's still around if you look hard enough.Damn. I was hoping it was so I could see another video of him.
Wow that was amazing. Ainsley truly is awesome.Hmm, it's weird. I dislike Sci-Fi movies like Star Wars and Star Trek. But the vast majority of my anime/manga/video games tend to be Sci-Fi. I wonder why?
He's still around if you look hard enough.
Yes! That godforsaken scene is done! Thank the gods--one more day of them out at sea, and I'd have gone bat-**** crazy.
Not that I didn't like working on it, but frig, wrapping it up was just way too much work. Of course, since some other, previously unforeseen circumstances occurred during, I'll have to make a note of it for consistency's sake.
+Time to binge-read! :thumbsup: