Someone has been, very slowly, reading a couple chapters of MoI every morning (well, morning for me) and I can't help but find this very curious. Who is this mysterious person? Clearly they're reading in their free time, but why, of all the infinitely better things to read, did they choose my fic? ...why have they not commented? I will probably never know. But I really appreciate this person. :thumbsup:
+ Curry soup for breakfast probably is not one of my smartest ideas.
That could be me. I sometimes read your fics when I'm on the train to my university in the morning. Don't underestimate your writing ability, so far MoI has been very good! (I'll also see about commenting a bit more :thumbsup

+ It occured to me that I actually don't have any female friends. I actually never noticed until now, strange. Suppose I should get to know some.
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