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Friend: I'll take a sandwich with that hot salame from Calabria.

Me: From Calabria? Dude you wanna have some mozzarella too, or cheese at least.

Friend: No I think I'll pass, thanks.

Me: No seriously, you're gonna need it. Your life is at stake man.

Friend: LOL don't worry I'm ok.

Foolish, foolish man...
Why don't you quote me directly with what you really think instead of always doing this?

I notice the video's description said "who is really responsible for the shooting?" Um, the f*cking psychopath who decided to get on top of a roof with a rifle and kill people that's who!

You seriously wanna try to blame this on black protesters? Look at the fear in their eyes when the shooting starts, no matter who did it. This isn't a race war.

I also wanna add this. There's a lot of talk of division, but remember this was taken at the protest and posted by the Dallas PD.
I was thinking of this place, so I came in to say "Holy crap tarts! How long has it been since I've been here? Who's running the show nowadays? Is it still the man with the goatee? Is it? Is it?!" I remember a character named "Shadow" and fried chicken. I'm confused! Veebs, Rebel Dynasty bring me up to speed!

It's good to be home. :)
I was thinking of this place, so I came in to say "Holy crap tarts! How long has it been since I've been here? Who's running the show nowadays? Is it still the man with the goatee? Is it? Is it?!" I remember a character named "Shadow" and fried chicken. I'm confused! Veebs, Rebel Dynasty bring me up to speed!

It's good to be home. :)

Yay! =D SRS!
Why don't you quote me directly with what you really think instead of always doing this?

I notice the video's description said "who is really responsible for the shooting?" Um, the f*cking psychopath who decided to get on top of a roof with a rifle and kill people that's who!
A psychopath who stated that he wanted to "kill white people".


"An American army veteran who served in Afghanistan and Iraq, said he wanted to “kill white people” as he went on a shooting rampage..."

You really think you can disassociate BLM from the shooter? No. It doesn't work that way.


They're the ones who started a race war.

They're calling for dead cops in the streets... how is that NOT declaring war?



I'm trying to tell the truth. You're deliberately trying to spread disinformation amongst your fellow tumblrinas and special snowflakes.

By all means, keep your little echo bubble -- you're purposely trying to aggravate anyone who doesn't agree with you.

Not only here, but on numerous other threads as well.

Just because I'm telling you something you DON'T want to hear doesn't mean you can simply dismiss it out of hand and think that'll be the end of it.

Also, didn't you say that you would "stop getting political" in your posts? Whatever happened to that?


An article from June 1, 2016:


Kroll’s harshest words were pointed at Black Lives Matter, who he described as a “terrorist organization.”

“I don’t see Black Lives Matter as a voice for the black community in Minneapolis,” he said. “The disruption, the, you know, they firebombed the precinct. There were shootings outside the precinct, hundreds of thousands of dollars [of damage] to the precinct and squad cars.”
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@Deathstroke @Chancey289 Before this gets any worse, please stop. People are dying. It does not matter who they are, they are dying. People are people. All lives matter. Everyone deserves a long, happy life where they don't have to worry about being shot or stabbed or otherwise brutalized just because of who they are. Did the police screw up? Yes. Have they been murdering people? Yes. Do some of the protesters take it too far? Yes. But you cannot judge an entire group by the actions of a few. Just because a few police have killed innocent civilians does not mean all police are evil and vile people. Just because a few people are mocking the police officers that were killed/injured does not mean they speak for an entire movement. Just because ISIS chooses to blow up/shoot/etc civilians does not mean all muslims are terrorists. Just because a few people are horrible, bigoted, homicidal creatures does not mean everyone is. The actions of the few do not speak for the group as a whole. By perpetuating a cycle of hate and anger and rage, you don't take away from the problems. You add to it. "If everyone fought fire with fire the whole world would go up in smoke". By sitting here, pointing fingers and calling accusations, regardless of where the blame really should go, you aren't helping anything to reach a peaceful resolution. You're adding to the hatred and the hurting. We should be coming together, supporting the families of those who have lost their lives; we should be trying to make things better and move forward as a peaceful, unified group aiming for the better. Not getting into a kindergarten-esq shouting match of "oh, he said this" "no, he said that". This isn't helping.

...I need tea now.

Chance asked me...

Why don't you quote me directly... ?

All I did was answer (with mainstream sources mind you).

Not to mention, that post where he actually asked me respond -- you gave it a like.

So, why is it that the post where I explained my position prompted you to write an essay while Chance's post ended up gaining your support?

Do you not see the double standard here?


Of course all lives matter. What I'm talking about is self-defense. You're not gonna stop people who want to hurt you by trying to reason with them.

The only way to stop them in that moment is either by running... or by fighting back.


If you had watched the vid by Paul Joseph Watson, you would've seen Alton Sterling's girlfriend at the end say "all lives matter." I agree with her.

All lives do indeed matter.

But for some reason, I don't think you did watch the video, and went off on a tirade only AFTER I decided to explain my reasons for posting it (which only happened after Chance asked me to).

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My hair feels so nice a little while after a shower. Like when it hasn't quite dried yet but it isn't dripping anymore. Its like having an air conditioner draped over my head and neck and shoulders. (There's a shampoo joke in there somewhere but I can't seem to find it.) ...Why did I wait till after midnight to shower ?:facepalm:
I don't want black men shot at traffic stops. I don't want cops shot by snipers. I don't want kids shot at schools. I don't want any of this.

Systemic violence is wrong. Planned violence is wrong. One people suffering does not dismiss another people's suffering. Remember that.

Suffering isn't a competition. Saying "Hey, we suffer too!" doesn't make one side feel less pain. Tug of war tears people's arms off.

Like Shadow said (she pretty much took all the words outta my mouth with that post) , you can not judge an entire group by the actions of a few. It's simply not right at all. We have too many problems, and way to much fear and hatred because of that mentality. Like I said before, the goal of this shooter was to divide us. We must not allow him to have that victory.

No one is supporting or agreeing with you because you are doing the exact thing none of us should be doing in the wake of all this. It's not being tumblr-whatevers, it's trying to be reasonable members of society.

You're not telling the absolute truth, you're trying to show off some unfortunate opinions of some hateful individuals out there that exist and expect people to rally behind you against an entire group. Supporting the division this shooter had in mind, and wanted.

You are incorrigible. :laugh:

CT: Looks like we're getting the rain we need; none of this "rain for half an hour, and back to breathing water" nonsense. I mean...the street lights are on right now...and it's after 9 in the morning. That kinda tells you something.

Surge protectors make it so it's safe to operate your computer even when it's storming...right? :unsure:

+Hmm...get kiddo her breakfast, then maybe just curl up with a book until this dwindles to non-thunderstorm levels.

++Oh, good. At least she understood where I was coming from. That certainly helps. ^^