If you really meant that, you would've done something about it already, instead of virtue-signaling like you always do.I don't want black men shot at traffic stops. I don't want cops shot by snipers. I don't want kids shot at schools. I don't want any of this.
When did I say the exact words, "one people's suffering dismisses another people's suffering"?Systemic violence is wrong. Planned violence is wrong. One people suffering does not dismiss another people's suffering. Remember that.
Remember what? Of course violence is wrong. You know what else is wrong? Telling other people their views are to be dismissed simply because you don't agree with them.
Who's saying that violence isn't wrong? You're not even doing anything to end said violence.
Non-sequitur. I never said "we suffer too."Suffering isn't a competition. Saying "Hey, we suffer too!" doesn't make one side feel less pain. Tug of war tears people's arms off.
Who is this "we" you're talking about? Are you taking an "us versus them" mentality? After you SPECIFICALLY said that "you're not trying to divide anyone"?
The fact that you even said the words "one side" is blatant evidence that you ARE trying to divide us, just as much as the shooter is.
As far as I'm concerned, you've already let him have that victory due to your posturing and your race-baiting posts.Like Shadow said (she pretty much took all the words outta my mouth with that post) , you can not judge an entire group by the actions of a few. It's simply not right at all. We have too many problems, and way to much fear and hatred because of that mentality. Like I said before, the goal of this shooter was to divide us. We must not allow him to have that victory.
You've already let him have that victory because you're putting me in a group alongside "them" ... whoever "they" are.
Don't judge "an entire group"? Oh God. Now you're just grasping at straws.
I've shown you evidence where BLM have repeatedly said that they're out to hurt white people. You're saying that pointing out that fact... is hateful.
You're wrong. It's not hateful. It's you trying to dismiss a group who's founder was wanted by the FBI.

On the night of May 2, 1973, Shakur, along with two other accomplices, killed Foerster execution-style at point-blank range during a routine traffic stop on the New Jersey Turnpike in East Brunswick.
For Shakur, the shooting was the culmination of years of militant radicalism during which she joined and left the Black Panther Party because it was not violent enough, before subsequently joining the Black Liberation Army, a domestic terror outfit responsible for bombings and assassinations throughout the 1970’s which claimed the lives of 13 police officers.
The Black Liberation Army was supported by the Weather Underground domestic terror organization, a group responsible for bombings targeting the United States Capitol and the Pentagon.
It doesn't matter if anyone agrees with me or not. I'm going to post the truth, regardless of your opinions.No one is supporting or agreeing with you because you are doing the exact thing none of us should be doing in the wake of all this. It's not being tumblr-whatevers, it's trying to be reasonable members of society.
You're standing on the victims' graves to further your own political agenda.
That's what we really shouldn't be doing. But that won't stop you. It's never stopped you because you've never had an issue with saying things in poor taste. You're backed by popular opinion, and it makes you feel good about it simply because you have the collective at your back.
You're not a reasonable member of society. You're a radical posing as a moderate. There's nothing reasonable about what you say, or your actions.
Not just here, but on several other threads as well.
Yes, you are a tumblr-whatever. You're a spiteful person who never tolerates any dissenting opinions. At all.
Again, you're the only person here who's trying to divide people. I'm just trying to get the facts out there.You're not telling the absolute truth, you're trying to show off some unfortunate opinions of some hateful individuals out there that exist and expect people to rally behind you against an entire group. Supporting the division this shooter had in mind, and wanted.
No, I don't expect people to rally behind me. I expect them to think for themselves. You automatically assume people will agree with you because you're an extremist who needs the backing of others to make you feel good about yourself.
Anything you don't like to hear is considered "hate speech" to you. How can anyone get their words across if they're immediately dismissed as such?
By all means, keep screaming "hate". It doesn't work anymore. If you keep saying it, it loses its effect.
By the way, you can't simply say that it's hate speech simply because it's something you don't want to hear.
Screaming "hate" every time you don't agree with someone will get you absolutely nowhere.
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