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Has sense of decency gone to hell in gyms nowadays? Like, dude! Put a towel on when you come out of the shower! Do you think I like seeing your dong hanging out? Geez.

By the way, you know what people say about muscular men's penis? Yeah it's not true. I just wish I didn't find out this way.
Holy ****, volume 73 of Bleach has announcement that it ends in volume 74... either Bleach is getting the axe or there is sequel planned like it was done for Tokyo Ghoul. I hope it's the latter, too many questions are left unanswered and they ain't gonna fit into five chapters only.
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Holy ****, volume 73 of Bleach has announcement that it ends in volume 74... either Bleach is getting the axe or there is sequel planned like it was done for Tokyo Ghoul. I hope it's the latter, too many questions are left unanswered and they ain't gonna fit into five chapters only.
Hmm, is there a source or photo of this announcement? I seriously doubt it's going to end in five chapters.
Hmm, is there a source or photo of this announcement? I seriously doubt it's going to end in five chapters.

bigger image
People say the line at the bottom is Bleach 74 (out 04/11) will be the last.
Why do I always get an influx of messages when I'm too frigging busy to get online? O_o Well, as long as they don't start whining about how "I'm ignoring them"--yes, I know people who do that, in the most passive-aggressive way imaginable--then things will be fine. If they do complain, I'm likely to snap at them. >.>

+Please let me write. Please, please, please...

++So tired. :dead:

Edit: I might want to rethink my daily word count goal. ^^; Maybe 600 per day is more my speed until things are back to normal.
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Dinner wasn't as expensive as I thought - although my sister's alcohol bill was, predictably, enormous. The kids had a good time though.

That's me cleaned out for the next billion years...
Looking over my Archives of Our Own account, I'm wondering whether or not to post MoI there...on one hand, it's on every writing site I'm on, so it kinda feels like a way to break in a new account. On the other hand...it's on every writing site I'm on. ._.

+ I wish this butter would soften faster. I've got a bunch of people in need of cookies and not much time over the next couple days....
And now for your daily dose of gothic horror:

You start work shortly after dawn. Measuring, counting, working with the utmost precision. Hands moving gracefully back and forth as they work. It’s only around noon that you realize something is not right. The mound should be gone by now. Alas, it is not. It’s as full as it ever was. How? Why? Questions with no answers. You renew your efforts to clear it, hoping for a swift resolution. You set down your trowel as the sun finally sets, pleased to finally be done. And then you look up. The mound has refilled itself. The cookie dough never ends.

-sobs- When will the cookies end???
Why do I have this sinking feeling that something's not quite right? Or is it my inner overprotective mom just going haywire for no reason? :unsure:

+Looks like I tuckered him out good.

Edit: Speak of the devil. She's home...and eating a second dinner of McDonalds. :cautious: Because as we all know, there's a separate stomach for fast food compared to home-cooked meals. (But seriously, she had a full plate of spaghetti two hours ago! How is this even a thing?)
This morning my co-worker surprised me with a gift - a flowery teacup with its own strainer and a lid. Plus a package of fruit tea, the fancy variety. All because I've helped out during certain lab practice that gets paid extra, but due to certain rules wasn't on the list to get paid. Oh, and I guess cause I'm a nice person, and some others are not.
Gotta be extra helpful in lab tomorrow. :happy:
This morning my co-worker surprised me with a gift - a flowery teacup with its own strainer and a lid. Plus a package of fruit tea, the fancy variety. All because I've helped out during certain lab practice that gets paid extra, but due to certain rules wasn't on the list to get paid. Oh, and I guess cause I'm a nice person, and some others are not.
Gotta be extra helpful in lab tomorrow. :happy:
After all I was right! You were called back to work!
After all I was right! You were called back to work!
Well, I wasn't called, my vacation was 10 days (not counting weekends and that one holiday), and after that I simply had few more days left to show up for work. Thursday or Friday should be my final day for real. Until then I am helping out with some work for this one nice professor.
Did a bit more than I intended to. ^^; It works out nicely, at least...I hope I can get this scene finished soon.

+He's good company and a lot of fun, but I'm not going to lie--I'm looking forward to sleeping in on Friday. x_x And to being able to do the things I want/need to do without first having to consider the dog's needs and wants. Between him, kiddo, and more immediate chores, I'm feeling a tad burned out. :sleep:

++I hope SB3 ships soon. Fun as the first two are, I'm looking forward to being able to understand what the characters are saying. :laugh: (Though hearing Reuben Langdon voicing Masamune, when I'm so used to the anime VA, Robert McCollum, will take some getting used to). ^^;