I came to accept and be in peace with the furries long ago, yet I still can't find it in my heart to do the same with the Juggalos.
Above, happened just and hour ago at Nazi rally. Below, happened a few months ago at a Donald Trump rally. See the fat racist piece of s*** in the red hat pushing the black girl, he's the leader of the Nazi group in the story above and was leading that rally. So now the KKK has endorsed Trump and the leader of the most well known Nazi group in America was seen at a Trump rally pushing a black girl. How much evidence do people need to realize that this Trump movement is a hateful racist movement? F*** Trump and his racist supporters, try and defend this one. By the way, the Nazi piece of s*** at the Trump rally's name is Matthew Heimbach, I linked a story to him being at the Trump rally. What kind of s***heads would support Trump after knowing both the KKK and this Nazi group endorse him? I wonder why some people compare Trump to Hitler? I can't imagine why.
It's illegal to own a pitbull in some US cities, but buying a few semi-automatic rifles and a trunk load of bullets is totally fine.
This is America.
I don't understand why pitbulls seem so scary to people. They're so nice and happy. We had one the entire time I was growing up and he was the biggest, sweetest baby. He loved mac'n'cheese and was scared of rain. The only time he ever bit me was my fault; I was little and pulled his tail and he gave me the tiniest, gentlest nip on my hand. Like he was saying "tiny human, you need to be careful, other dogs might hurt you". Didn't even leave a mark. :/ If I'd done that to our chihuahua, she would have mauled me. x_x Probably. But, no, Pepper was sweet. Thought he was a lapdog even though he was bigger than me most of the time he tried to sit on me. He loved everyone.
...I miss him.... =(
Is it going to finally rain?
I know, right? There's this stigma against bigger "meaner" looking dogs (thank you, Disney, for vilifying dobies, rotties, and every other big suck dog out there), and meanwhile, it's the little ones you gotta look out for. Well, some of the time. (I bet Sug is as sweet as her name, am I right?)
I always take afternoon siestas. Is that a bad thing?Reminder to myself: DON'T ****ING SLEEP IN THE AFTERNOON.
Is that a bad thing?