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I usually don't like to get political in my post, but I'm sick of this stupid freaking argument.

For the last time, some people need to stop saying, "they're trying to take away muh guns". No, no one is trying to do that. I just seriously think that maybe something should be done so that it isn't so ****ing easy for anyone to get one.

Which is why I'll say straight up I'm not against personal gun ownership. In a free society, the fact that the arguments for needing something are brain dead does not mean people shouldn't want or own something. Nobody needs a PS4, but I want one. And I like living in a society where I can have one, albeit very theoretically.


The problem I have with firearm absolutism as espoused by the NRA is that there is no room for common sense. In a place like Germany for example you can get a semiautomatic assault rifle, but you have to get a license, the mother of all background checks, and prove responsible ownership by submitting to random visits. If you don't keep your rifle and guns in separate safes for example, license and guns gone.

Will requiring a license stop all gun violence? Of course not, but that's a ridiculous standard that only NRA ammosexuals would apply to the real world without exploding of shame. But look at the murder rates in Germany compared to the U.S. Think about how many drunken fights didn't escalate in to five funerals because common sense dictates taking a gun in to a bar isn't freedom, but beastly lunacy.

I've yet to see any sensible argument against gun CONTROL. I can understand being against an outright ban on all weapons, but against gun control is insane.
The shooter went through MULTIPLE background checks. He bought his guns LEGALLY.




Mateen was also a homosexual registered democrat.


In other words, we have a solid fact — Mateen was a registered Democrat — but it makes LaCapria and a lot of other people uncomfortable. So that fact becomes a “Mixture” of true and false. Just because Mateen was a Democrat doesn’t necessarily mean he was a Democrat-Democrat.

You see, being a Democrat makes you a good person. How could a Democrat do something so awful? Well then, he probably wasn’t really a Democrat, even though he was definitely a Democrat.

And that’s how you “think” like a Democrat.

We’re also learning that Mateen was a regular at that same gay nightclub for years, and he used a gay dating app. So, he was a gay Muslim Democrat. He hit the trifecta of victimhood. That means it has to be the gun’s fault, and the NRA’s fault, and the GOP’s fault, and Christians’ fault, and white people’s fault.


It’s everybody’s fault but the gay Muslim Democrat who pulled the trigger.


If you’re gay and you think the Democrats give a damn about you, you’re wrong. They’re glad to ruin a baker’s life for refusing to make you a wedding cake, but when a Muslim terrorist comes after you for being who you are, you’re on your own.


Did you not watch the nra video? LaPierre said that gun violence could stop tomorrow, but politicians don't enforce the law on gangsters and suspected terrorists.

They only harass the law-abiding citizens who went through those background checks in the first place (at traffic stops and home invasion 911 calls).


No room for common sense? Again, you demonstrate your own ignorance with your feeble dismissal.

Germany?? You're citing Germany as a so-called "free state" where people have to pass multiple background checks in order to get a firearm?


The reason so much violence is happening over there is because people aren't able to defend themselves.


Terrified Germans are looking for firearms for protection against incoming migrants, but the law requires them to jump through bureaucrat hoops just to obtain gas cartridge guns or signal pistols.

How is there no 'common sense' in wanting to defend yourself against criminals?


You also didn't explain how terrorists were able to get guns in France in the first place.

"Among the toughest gun laws in the world."

They'll just buy them on the black market. What is it about this that isn't getting through to you?


That's proof right there that excessive gun laws don't work.



"A 43-year-old man was gunned down in the parking lot of a hot springs resort in western Japan"


Hong Kong:


My first time in Hong Kong I was in an area called Sheung Wan," Thrall explains. "While I was in the street, a gun and grenade battle broke out between a triad group who had attacked a very upmarket jewellery shop.

“It had all gone a bit Pete Tong and this gang had ended up chucking grenades down a main street in Hong Kong.”



Chinese gangs, known as triads, are best known for arms and drug smuggling, counterfeiting, credit card fraud, loansharking, cyber crime...

Recently, authorities in China are cracking down on the triads, forcing them to go further underground with their activities.


"Ammosexuals"? It's very easy for you to insult other people you don't agree with, isn't it?

Personally, I think this is very offensive.

Of course, most are going to take your side because they agree with you, and not because they're going to look at this objectively, despite my numerous sources stating for a fact that they simply don't work and people are going to get shot, regardless of what laws are in place.


I know you said "no amount of gun laws will COMPLETELY stop gun murders" but let's look at states with weak gun laws and high gun ownership.


But then, look more carefully at what the chart says — "gun deaths." Not all of those deaths are "violence." This is a bait and switch.


That looks a lot like a shotgun blast, because at least in 2014, the statistical case that high state gun ownership translates to more gun homicides was non-existent. This is what happens when you just look at the relevant numbers instead of cherrypicking whatever numbers tell the story you want.


And in fact, when you just look at last year's gun homicide rate by state (calculated from FBI and Census data), you see that many of the states that they claim have low "gun death" rates actually have comparatively high rates of gun murders.

New Jersey, for example, had a much higher gun murder rate than Idaho and Vermont.


Be my guest: Try to have more background checks and gun laws put in place. Go right ahead. There will be resistance.

If you want to continue this conversation, I'll wait for a PM.

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Do you remember the game we saw yesterday and everybody thought to be IOS DMC game?
Well, it is even more stupid. It is and it's not a DMC . Characters share a LOT of moves with DMC, they used sound effects and even the same voices: one has Dan's voice and the other one has Dante's voice.Check this:
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Do you remember the game we saw yesterday and everybody thought to be IOS DMC game?
Well, it is even more stupid. It is and it's not a DMC . Characters share a LOT of moves with DMC, they used sound effects and even the same voices: one has Dan's voice and the other one has Dante's voice.Check this:

LOL as shameless as it can get.
Do you remember the game we saw yesterday and everybody thought to be IOS DMC game?
Well, it is even more stupid. It is and it's not DMC . Characters share a LOT of moves with DMC, they used sound effects and even the same voices: one has Dan's voice and the other one has Dante's voice.
If I'm ever able to... I think I'd buy it.

Hey come on. It's E3, there's no other DMC-related news to be found (so far) and I really liked the first trailer (a sword consuming the souls of demons -- it's like a "Vergil" version of Raziel).


While I would probably need a Chinese phone just to get it (I think? I don't know how a westerner would be able to buy it sorry), I think it's something that's right up my alley, really.

I don't even care anymore. I want that game.



Here's what the youtube page said:

This is a new mobile game released a couple month ago by Netease (Revelation, WildFire). The game is available for both Android and iOS. It's nothing new but somehow interesting, so I recorded some gameplay from my tablet. I think it works also on PC with emulators.
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Hey come on. It's E3, there's no other DMC-related news to be found (so far) and I really liked the first trailer (a sword consuming the souls of demons -- it's like a "Vergil" version of Raziel).
I won't lie! IMO, they got "Vergil"'s attitude quite right, almost a replica!I can imagine Vergil acting just like that.It doesn't help either character's grunts and laughter are Vergil's too.
At least the trailer is very cool.

True. It's not perfect, but it'll do the job just fine.


I'll get two white wigs, call my game "Rival Demons" and act out the voices of the two brothers LOL.

If I make it and sell it for free, then they can't sue.

(I'm pretty sure they can't.)
That's a really nice, well thought out post, but I think it would've been better handled if you PMed him instead of turning one of the oldest still-active topics on the forums into your personal argument grounds. Just my 2 cents.
I'm not even gonna say anymore. I've said what I wanted to say, and I stand by it.
First person reader insert fic is not working so well.
I smell like vanilla because it's a fitting scent? What if I'm allergic? Does "blushing pink with hives" come to play into the story? So we're getting our frisk on whilst I look like a pink version of the marshmallow man from Ghostbusters. Awesomesauce right there. But it looks like you're going to need a big side of fail to go with it.
I mean I'm nitpicking and I'm bored so I'm amusing myself, no need for the writer to know about it, but it DOES make reading the rest of the code 417 writing funnier.
Thankfully the storm died down by late afternoon. We had thunder/lightning which caused a power outage and a bunch of houses had their alarms go off as a result. Not to mention the water running down the lane looking more like a river.

There was a really bad storm that just clipped us a while ago. The raindrops were the size of quarters! It was nuts...
Me and some friends were bored tonight so we went to the movies to see the latest X-Men. In a nut shell, it was how Xavier went bald early.

In all seriousness, it was just ok. Definitely the weakest film in this new trilogy that started with First Class that's for sure. It was nice seeing Nightcrawler, one of my favorite X-Men back in action though. And I always love Michael Fassbender and James McAvoy.

I know Fox isn't going to give up the X-Men rights anytime soon, so I'm pretty much stuck with this version, but please get a new director on board. Someone who actually knows how to direct action scenes better, and hire a better writer. Hell, I wouldn't mind if they just retire this version and reboot the franchise under a new vision. Just get rid of Singer, he really isn't that great of director and it's time people realize this.
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*Looks around*

Am I in the right place? *Looks at title* Oh good, so it is the Thinking thread. I was starting to think I'd come to the wrong place.

(Seriously guys, the debating over every little thing dance that's been going on? Yeah, it's growing tiresome. :/ Opinions are not facts; everyone is entitled to their own--but they are not entitled to try and cram said opinion down another's throat. Just give it a rest, already...)

CT: I wonder if she's still on for grocery shopping today?
Yes he is. Everyone can have a misstep. This one was an isolated case. All the other XMen films he made were from very good to great, among the best in the genre.
No. His first X-Men films he made don't even hold up. Singer isn't as bad as someone like Zack Snyder, because he actually knows how to add some substance to his film, but he kinda can't shoot action scenes to save his life. And at the end of the day he basically does unspectacular point and shoot drama test we use to call TV visual chop.

So yea, the totality of the X-Men movies after we have sat through about a decade of other superhero offerings that have come, gone, and some even kicking major ass (like The Dark Knight, Avengers, Winter Soldier, Civil War, Guardians of the Galaxy, etc. etc.) have just proven that we may have been too kind to these movies and it's time for a change up.

I get it, at one time we thought the X-Men movies were the best we were gonna get when it came to comic book adaptations so we all just basically settled. But that's not the case anymore. It's time these movies stepped up their game.

I've pretty much come to the terms with the fact we're never gonna get a proper X-Men movie that feels truly like the X-Men. Just like I've kinda come to terms with the fact that DC will not have a good cinematic universe. So, if Fox will still hold the X-Men hostage, I'd rather new talent get on board because I am so tired of these movies conforming and basically sticking with this one man's vision of the property.
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