I hope the next 30 some-odd days go quickly.
-sends hugs and chocolate-
Why is it so hard to find quotes from this AU to post? I need something to tease everyone with....
I hope the next 30 some-odd days go quickly.
Sorry for posting this in multiple areas, I just want to make sure everyone knows. Reuben Langdon retweeted this a couple of hours ago.
If your still on I'll join! @Shadow
Okey@Shadow Dang it! Dont know what I'm doing wrong but having a hard time qouting xD
insert text here
Regarding quotes: You can click on quote and the message will be added to multi-quote, where you can quote more messages if you need to. If you're just quoting the one message then after you have clicked quote, click 'insert quotes' to add them into your text area. Either that, or you can click 'reply' to the desired message you wish to respond to, and it should quote the message and it should appear in your text area ready for you to reply to. Failing that, you can copy the text of the post you want to reply to and add in - [ QUOTE=] insert text here [/QUOTE ] - just don't put the spaces between the letters like I have, and it will quote the text for you -
or click here to find out more about BB codes; http://devilmaycry.org/help/bb-codes