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Waldo doesn't want to be found, you guys. Leave him alone.
He's too busy getting hit by a car in Cairo.
Can you spot him?

So, yeah, I got a new phone. Didn't really expect it to be delivered at 8pm, but it's here and it's awesome. LG Joy with a blue cover. :woot:
What? It was kinda embarrassing to have an older phone than a 59 year old cleaning lady that can barely figure out technology. She has Samsung Galaxy... I forgot which model. XD
The follow up to Red Dead Redemption has been rumored for an E3 reveal. If this turns out to be true, then I'm getting a PS4 as soon as possible. I spent so many hours on Red Dead it's not even funny.
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Then I won't bring it up to her, she'd just be disappointed, specially because she want's to be a writer and she provably won't make it to that.

I should add to Claire's post by saying that, in Camp, you can set your word count to anything 10k and up...if she would need a lower word count. ^^;

Why didn't we go to the base to get groceries? It would have been cheaper....
What's Camp NaNo? Does that have to do with the singer? My sister's a huge fan, she'll be extra exited if it is.

Oh, dear. I hope she won't be disappointed, then. ^^;

Camp NaNo is an off-shoot of NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month, which occurs in November). Camp NaNo occurs in April, and again in July, and unlike NaNoWriMo's set word count goal of 50,ooo words in a month, the Camp versions allow you to set your own goal. ^^;

Edit: Ack! Looks like Shadow and DS beat me to the punch. ^^; If your sister wants to do it, it's not an event she has to go to--it's a site. :) If she's interested, have her look up "Camp NaNo" through Google, and it should bring her to the site. There, she can sign up, add whatever project she's working on, and go from there. ^^
Oh, dear. I hope she won't be disappointed, then. ^^;

Camp NaNo is an off-shoot of NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month, which occurs in November). Camp NaNo occurs in April, and again in July, and unlike NaNoWriMo's set word count goal of 50,ooo words in a month, the Camp versions allow you to set your own goal. ^^;

Edit: Ack! Looks like Shadow and DS beat me to the punch. ^^; If your sister wants to do it, it's not an event she has to go to--it's a site. :) If she's interested, have her look up "Camp NaNo" through Google, and it should bring her to the site. There, she can sign up, add whatever project she's working on, and go from there. ^^
Unfortunately she has school. That's the big thing preventing her from joining.
So, I finish writing a part of my short story and posted it on my DA and I'm happy about that. ^^ Gotten something uploaded and not just procrastinating. Yay me! I'm going to continue writing it and see where it takes me. :3

Also, I've been itching to live stream, but haven't. >.< Need to stop procrastinating and just DOO EEEET! So that is my plan for this weekend. Streamin' and writing!
@berto she could still give it a go if she's interested. It's not that you absolutely have to reach the wordcount, the goal is really just to write, when you can, however much you can, because a lot of people have stuff going on (school, college, jobs, kids, sickness, etc). It's a nice place to connect with other writers, too, and even if you don't come out the other side of Camp with a novel of x amount of words, you'll probably have new writing buddies to make up for that. :) If she is interested, we can add her to our cabin. I think you should be able to do that hey @Rebel Dynasty and @Shadow?