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I hate feeling guilty about not writing much or at all! I thought this was supposed to be fun, my own creation? Instead it's fictional herpes! Always there, nagging, never going away.
Woe is me for trying my hand at nonsense that nobody gives a rat's bottom about. I write, and write and nobody reads it. Why because the world is busy raising children, partying and getting knocked up. I'm no expert and I know my work isn't great or new, but damn it, I put my soul into it!
All I want is a reader, a fan, and for the cold weather to get lost! My frustration have reached a peak and I'm left in self loathing. I can not live this way, not just for my writing, but any other task I begin. Why do I begin these things? I do not understand myself nor my desires.
Who I truly am and who I wish to be our like Jekyll and Hyde. Always fighting, never winning. Always hoping, always hating.

Moral of the story: I'm lazy and I just want to watch TV. :hungover:

Folks enjoy your Valentine's Day. Since we all know what your going to do on that day, please, please, use a rubber suit. Make it a fun day, not a "oh no! She's pregnant again!" *Aims gun at head* ...

Merry Sex Day everyone! :laugh:
So, we finally defeated our campaign's ultimate evil and the adventure has concluded.

I, Foxy Fonz, was able to open my very successful Donkey Show franchise and marry a cute neko girl named Haruka Haruko.

The Vagooblin became the very first goblin noble and married a smoking hot noble woman, with our dwarf warrior as his adviser. (we were all invited to a wedding where Chthulu served instant noodles to everyone)

Our bard became headmaster of a magic academy.

The drunken brawler Incubus became the new ruler of hell, as our angelic diva became the polar opposite.

All in all, it was a journey to remember with many hilarious moments. Good times, good times. Our first campaign is now complete.
Deadpool was awesome.
I was supposed to see it last night but it was sold out. So we saw pride prejudice and zombies instead...in a completely empty theater. Good thing too cuz if we had to actually sit there and watch in silence it would have sucked.

If that's your original writing (I honestly don't know) then I suggest you expand upon it.


I doubt any single studio can take on that many projects without having to delay a few. That's just how it is.
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