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My job search continues! Q_Q My hubby got the job and I'm still looking. >.> sigh I applied to Hot Topic today and hope I can get a job there. Not only for the money but the nice discounts they have. lol Plus is just a bus hope away not to far and in the mail.

Also I'm going to write more or at least try to anyways. :3 Here to something good coming my way. <3
*Waves hand in the air* I'll do it! =D

CT: Oh, boy. Just as I predicted, the two scenarios she presented to me for the RP are exactly what I'd thought they'd be. Seriously, they're minor off-shoots of the ones she's been doing in....five, six other RPs? (Actually in the sixth, she's taken on a different attitude, for a change, so maybe it won't be so bad). O_o *Sigh* Whatever. As long as she doesn't try to god-mod or power play, it'll be fine.

Yay! ^^ Thank you. =3 *appreciates that**is secretly kinda mortified to show anyone it* >_>
Ouch. :S Sorry to hear the RP's looking a bit predictable. Tbh, stuff like that and god-modding is what's kinda turned me off to RPs. x_x (That said, I think I'm supposed to post in our BB one. x_x Which I totally forgot about. Oops.)

Time to start on a new pot of coffee! :woot: I don't know what you're talking about, mum, I feel perfectly well rested. Clearly I'm getting enough sleep. :thumbsup: *guzzles coffee*
My job search continues! Q_Q My hubby got the job and I'm still looking. >.> sigh I applied to Hot Topic today and hope I can get a job there. Not only for the money but the nice discounts they have. lol Plus is just a bus hope away not to far and in the mail.

Also I'm going to write more or at least try to anyways. :3 Here to something good coming my way. <3

Good luck with the job hunt.
Yay! ^^ Thank you. =3 *appreciates that**is secretly kinda mortified to show anyone it* >_>
Ouch. :S Sorry to hear the RP's looking a bit predictable. Tbh, stuff like that and god-modding is what's kinda turned me off to RPs. x_x (That said, I think I'm supposed to post in our BB one. x_x Which I totally forgot about. Oops.)

Time to start on a new pot of coffee! :woot: I don't know what you're talking about, mum, I feel perfectly well rested. Clearly I'm getting enough sleep. :thumbsup: *guzzles coffee*

No problem. ^^ Don't be. :P I bet it's awesome.

(Lol! I kept meaning to ask about that! Take your time; just let me know when you do your next part). ^^

Yeah, on one hand, she's nice enough and all--but on the other, I feel like she wants to guide it toward the ultimate outcome she's chosen and...well, let's just say I have no intention of letting her lead me every step of the way.

Phenex: *Frowns* You'd better not; playing the boyfriend is one thing--but I refuse to do any grovelling.

Me: Aye aye, captain. :meh:

Phenex: I'm serious; I'll go on strike.

Me: *Exasperated* Yes, okay. I got it, Phe! Thank you. Geez...:facepalm:

You can do it, Shadow! (Something tells me someone is going to need lots of naps once she's done NaNo).

So today I popped my twitch cherry!....yeah. lol And it was pretty fun. Super easy thanks to the ps4 feature. I'm going to plan out what I can play and see if I can maybe buy that DmC Definitive Edition. Do some crazy stylish moves. :cool:

Also I filled a bunch of job application. <3 Yay me!

Good luck.:thumbsup:
So, after some internal debating, I decided to put my foot down. I let her know that I noticed her RPs go on a very predictable course (following the same two or three themes each time), and that whatever ultimate outcome she's hoping for, she's not likely to get it from Phe, because I won't have him say or do anything he wouldn't, ordinarily. As a character I've been cultivating for over a year, that is my right. If she wishes to still RP, I said it's fine; but at least now she knows she won't get from him what she gets from the other male OCs she's RPed with.

I'm not sure what to expect in reply, but we'll see. Fingers crossed she takes it well.
That was funny.
Me: hey, what band is it again that sings The Roof is on Fire?
Him: I don't remember. I wanna play that now.
*both of us sing the song in our heads and look at each other, then at the kids*
Me: errr....maybe not.
Him: Yeah nah.
*dies laughing*

It's so cool to be in tune with each other.

Lol, that's awesome. :P (If it's the same version I was thinking of, pretty sure it was The Bloodhound Gang).
*sigh* Just got an email saying I didn't get the job. The search continues.

Cliché as it sounds try again. Heck see if you can apply for another area within that job. Apply for everything and reasonably anything n you'll catch that fish!
I'm watching a episode of the Walking Dead. I've never paid much attention to it. So far, a zombie in a well got face smashed and a Asian dude got laid.
Such mixed feelings! O_o
Been a while since I last logged in.
Thinking about Cosplayers. I don't understand the concept of cosplaying. They dress up as the the character they idolize, go to a place where other cosplayers are there and then what? What do they do next?
Been a while since I last logged in.
Thinking about Cosplayers. I don't understand the concept of cosplaying. They dress up as the the character they idolize, go to a place where other cosplayers are there and then what? What do they do next?
They either pose for some neat pictures, or they fool around while staying in character. For example, Snake cosplayer might try to sneak around guard cosplayers only for it to end in some comedic chase, or Nero cosplayer might pretend to beat up Dante cosplayer, etc.
Been a while since I last logged in.
Thinking about Cosplayers. I don't understand the concept of cosplaying. They dress up as the the character they idolize, go to a place where other cosplayers are there and then what? What do they do next?

The same thing people do on Halloween or any costume parties. They make friends and have lots of fun.