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Kind of gobsmacked, really - the council has given Jake a Blue Badge (given to disabled people so they can park in special spaces and also in zones forbidden to other drivers for ease of access); they barely ever give out these for anything less than a severe physical disability.

I guess lying in the middle of oncoming traffic having a meltdown is considered severe...
I totally killed it at this makeup crap and have the most convincing trap pics to date. I'm ready to do this for Mechacon. Gonna cosplay Daria. Not gonna lie, I think I look hot. Holy sh!t I'm weird.
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So my laptop's fan is noisy as hell, I think "It must be the dust inside", I clean it, seems to have worked but after a couple of days it's noisy again. Then I bring the PC to the technician yesterday. Today I call him and he tells me that the fan is silent.

What the hell...?
Today might be a good day to just curl up on the couch with kiddo and watch movies. Maybe I'll write later (and hell knows there are enough chores to do to "distract me")--but they can wait for now.

Why do I always end up in a delirium after he leaves? Those between sleep and waking states where I can't tell the dreams from reality? O_o If that's my mind's way of coping, it can stop, now.
I totally killed it at this makeup crap and have the most convincing trap pics to date. I'm ready to do this for Mechacon. Gonna cosplay Daria. Not gonna lie, I think I look hot. Holy sh!t I'm weird.

Today might be a good day to just curl up on the couch with kiddo and watch movies. Maybe I'll write later (and hell knows there are enough chores to do to "distract me")--but they can wait for now.

Why do I always end up in a delirium after he leaves? Those between sleep and waking states where I can't tell the dreams from reality? O_o If that's my mind's way of coping, it can stop, now.
That's really tough :( It's never easy being away from the person you love. Hopefully you get into a routine soon that will help you cope a little better.

That's really tough :( It's never easy being away from the person you love. Hopefully you get into a routine soon that will help you cope a little better.

Aww, thank you, DS. ^^ -Hugs- It usually gets a bit easier a few days in. I've written myself a full list of chores to accomplish while he's away, just to be safe. ;)
I'm sooooo tired; work was murder today. I'm trying to get this last bit of editing in before, finally, getting some sleep, and then I come across this totally random group of paragraphs where every single paragraph is a totally different subject. I'm so friggen confused. What was I writing? What was I trying to get at? I have no clue. x_x
I swear my family is cursed.I lost my dad,my paternal grandmother,my paternal grandfather and now my maternal grandfather. Each within 3 years of each other.I wonder who's up for 2018?kinda morbid but I'm in a bad mood right now.

It can be but there's nothing with giving hope or saying it's possible for someone to have a happy ever after.
Not everything has to be all realistic or full of grey clouds.
Those silly romantic movies & stories might be the inspiration or motivation someone uses to get what they want out of life.
Fair enough, I guess I'm too much of a realist.
THIS is one of those times where I'm just going to shrug it off and say 'meh'. I didn't misunderstand, but they missed my point. Not. Gonna. Bother.

Also, pizza for dinner. Yummy. I missed food SO MUCH.

Why does time always drag when I'm waiting for a show to come on?

I cleaned the kitchen spotless this afternoon. I really don't feel like doing the dishes again tonight.

Meaty pizza is goooooooood for teh soul.

M'kay, pudding for the kids and then bed. For them. Because I don't sleep.
Walking on the streets, I see a little girl, maybe 14 or so, wearing shorts that are so tiny she might as well going around in pants.
What the hell happened to kids? The desire to be a princess has been replaced by the desire to be... no, I don't wanna say what.