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I can't get SAO out of my mind!

"You just want to find your own Asuna."

"You said that?!" :eek:

"I did! Your inner soul!" :cool:

"I banished you to the depths of my butt!" :cautious:

"I climbed your colon and retook my rightful throne once again!" :mad:

"Did you wash up at least?" O_o

"Duh!" :bored:

"Oh ok, cool! And wrong! I'm more like Suguha!" :shifty:

"So your in love with your cousin?! :nailbiting:

"No! I have unrequited love!" :'(

"Oh that again..." :meh:

"Shut up!" :mad:

"Make me!" :rolleyes:

"Down the colon you go!" :poop:

"Bring it on Bit@h!!!" :eek:
Ct: even thou its scary to stand next to a beehive especially since i don't know if i am allergic to bees or not. I keep finding myself going to the bathroom a lot not because i need to. But to stand infront of the window and look at them. Like a little child looking at a butterfly for the first time.
I love Christmas. I love all the Christmas films. I love to look at all the decorations. I love thinking about all of those families coming together and spending time together in the warmth. Eating, drinking and having a good time. Christmas is a wonderful and special time to spend quality time with others. It brings us together.

Merry Christmas everyone. Hope everybody is looking forward to it =D
I'm indecisive... I can never decide on something right away I overthink too much "what if I go? Ok if I go I can see Mai family, but what if someone is drunk or half asleep and kills me on the drive there? When I'm there what do I say? What if I get something no one wants? I don't know I won't go. But what if they miss you or want you there? What if they secretly hate me? What if I keep doing this? WHAT ABOUT I LEAVE THEM THE HE{} ALONE? WHAT IF THEY ACT LIKE THEY CARE? WHAT WOULD YOU DO, DO YOU EVEN MATTER? THEY DONT WANT, CARE, NEED, ANYTHING ABOUT YOU....!" Alright than I'll go away, just, leave me alone
Just got the Devil Hunter trophy, meaning I've been here for five years... Holy crap.
Yeah, it's a headscratcher. Where does the time go?

Do people eat soup or drink soup?
Depends on the soup. If it's all liquid you drink it. If there are other ingredients that are solids you eat it.
Just when I thought kids these days couldn't get any dumber, I see the news of any of idiot child running from home to go meet a boy a few states over.
There are some pretty dumb adults who do that too and worse things. At least most teenagers have the reason of not having much life experience or emotional maturity. But still, it is silly and worrying to go off such a long way to meet somone, especially if they have only met online before.

Thinking: I played the PS3 version of the game and died inside a little bit. Now I really can tell the difference between the two ports of the game. Yikes!
I'm thinking if I shoot myself in the head I won't have to make another 22 of these things...

Unfortunately this Luger is only a replica.

Holy crap, and here I thought you were down to the last dozen. D: Hang in there; this month can't last forever.

CT: Why am I so tired? I bet I'm coming down with something--and I bet the incessant worrying isn't helping, either. >.<
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ok, ruining one person's life is kinda funny. two people...ok, still pretty funny. three people...yeah, still funn--ok but an entire company, c'mon. now you're pushing into complete asshole territory. sony hacker...man...don't be that douche bag. don't shoot up the entire school just to get those few bullies...unless you did it for fun, then it's genius. and still pretty funny
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How does one test if they are clinically insane?
You have to ask your doctor about procedure red-red-purple, he'll press a button and secret door will open, through which two robots in white lab coats will come out. They'll give you a paddle and tell you to go on a quest to rescue two Victoria's angels from the clutches of rabid blue squirrels. If you succeed, Jesus will come down from the sky. If he winks at you and gives you thumbs up, you are okay. If he wipes a tear and gives thumbs down, you are clinically insane. If you believe this all to be true, you are most definitely insane. XD

In seriousness, just ask your doctor about how it's done.
You have to ask your doctor about procedure red-red-purple, he'll press a button and secret door will open, through which two robots in white lab coats will come out. They'll give you a paddle and tell you to go on a quest to rescue two Victoria's angels from the clutches of rabid blue squirrels. If you succeed, Jesus will come down from the sky. If he winks at you and gives you thumbs up, you are okay. If he wipes a tear and gives thumbs down, you are clinically insane. If you believe this all to be true, you are most definitely insane. XD

In seriousness, just ask your doctor about how it's done.
I'm heading to the doctors right now and going to see Jesus.