Why is it that whenever there's an awesome new game out (Persona: Shadow of the Labyrinth), I never have any money either?? 

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ROFL Mum just offered me an ultimatum: we could buy pizza or she could buy me one more Christmas present.
...I picked pizza. :thumbsup:
Here's to five more!Just got the Devil Hunter trophy, meaning I've been here for five years... Holy crap.
Here's to five more!
I was hoping that my birthday would be low key, but I've just had to stand on the stage in front of the whole school to sing happy birthday to me. It was a really nice gesture, but I get shy with that kind of thing . :blush:
I was hoping that my birthday would be low key, but I've just had to stand on the stage in front of the whole school to sing happy birthday to me. It was a really nice gesture, but I get shy with that kind of thing . :blush:
+ So. Despite deciding almost seven hours ago that I was going to work on Rebellion so I don't have to write the entire chapter tomorrow, I have written...not a dang thing. So efficient. Much productiveness. :shifty:
*Huggles* I've been in the same boat, today. Frustrating, isn't it?
And on that note...
CT: Holy fudging hell! I just spent an hour...a bloody hour...on less than 300 words? That can't be right...but then again, with the amount of times I've rearranged that paragraph, there...:banghead: