Yay, first part of beta-reading has been sent off MWAHAHA I feel accomplished now.
+ Just got a personal invite from Writer's Digest Partners to join their client list. They're looking for writers in the novel/memoir genres.
I'm a little flabbergasted to be honest.
*runs away and hides*
I'll kick myself for not sending my work in response to this invite, I'm sure, but that's one day in the future. Right now I'm happy to hide.:ninja:

+ Just got a personal invite from Writer's Digest Partners to join their client list. They're looking for writers in the novel/memoir genres.
I'm a little flabbergasted to be honest.
*runs away and hides*
I'll kick myself for not sending my work in response to this invite, I'm sure, but that's one day in the future. Right now I'm happy to hide.:ninja: