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I must admit that was funny. :laugh:
But now! :bored:
*Slaps you with glove* :cautious:
I challenge you to a duel good sir! (Insert never ending Yu-Gi-Oh joke here) and prepare thy self good fiend!! O_o

I wrote and translated a name(s) from Japanese to English. I AM AWESOME!!!!!!! :cool:

You're challenging me to a glove duel? Seriously?


Everybody knows it's all about oven mitts these days.

And that's cool :D
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My girlfriend's ex has been harassing her lately. I got tired of it so I told the guy to chill out. To stop bugging her and even hitting on her. I was stern, but rather polite about the whole thing. Wasn't trying to start fights or anything.

Well, he responded by saying he wanted to beat me. For one, I'm not scared of this f#cking dweeb. My grandma can lay this guy out. He's not intimidating whatsoever and would never talk sh!t without the safety of a computer screen. But he said he wouldn't stop and is basically is a freaking freak.

I got him to reveal his true colors and screen capped all the messages that were sent to me where he not only threatens me, but threatens to keep stalking Holly. Enough evidence to take some legal action which I think we're going to do. And we got a bunch of people with supporting evidence.

I really want to give this guy a beating though. Being in a different town doesn't help though so we'll just let our friends at the sheriff's office deal with him. He really is just all bark and no bite though.
Why do I keep reading things these movie critics write if I don't agree and find them mostly obnoxious and annoying? It's because they can get some actual scoops and I care about the movies they talk about... or at least most of those movies.

Like, I don't want critics to be "omg this is so awesome, I love this, best movie ever" all the time, but then again, being a cynic asshole it's just so tiresome... it's like, urgh, nevermind, why do I keep reading what you write?
You're challenging me to a glove duel? Seriously?


Everybody knows it's all about oven mitts these days.

And that's cool :D

Did you say Mittens? Did you just write mittens?! :eek: Oh...Wait you wrote "oven mitts". :cautious: Silly me....

OVEN MITTS?????!!!!!!!! :eek: *Rants and raves in a Incoherent manner* "Purple flippin' Dinosaur bag!!!!" :poop:

*Tries to compose himself* Well my friend won out, I caved and watched Sword Art Online. (Up to episode 07) I've missed so much!!!!! :'( Why Sachi, why?! :banghead:
My Japanese is getting better-ish! (Writing and reading wise-ish) :cool:
Thinking about trying to lose a little weight this month. I've already been told that December isn't really the best month for trying to drop a few pounds because of Christmas eats, but that doesn't much effect me as a don't eat very much at all during holiday feasts.
Saying everyone is entitled to their opinion as a way to dismiss stupid opinions only supports the proliferation of those stupid opinions.

Well, everyone's entitled to their own opinion. :wink:

I'm teasing, by the way. I think most people just say that when they don't feel like getting into an argument when...in all reality, everyone does deserve to have their own opinion. It's just that some people's opinions are nonsensical. :/ It's easier to just dismiss it than to get into a battle over nothing when said battle isn't going to change anyone's mind.
Well, everyone's entitled to their own opinion. :wink:

I'm teasing, by the way. I think most people just say that when they don't feel like getting into an argument when...in all reality, everyone does deserve to have their own opinion. It's just that some people's opinions are nonsensical. :/ It's easier to just dismiss it than to get into a battle over nothing when said battle isn't going to change anyone's mind.
The solution would be to turn that stupid opinion in to the unpopular one so those stubborn people refusing to change their mind can just stay and revel in their ignorant hate filled circle jerk.

More people need to stop thinking so ass backwards so the norm will become the tolerance a lot of people want on this unequal freaking planet. It's a tall order, but more people will have to do it.
Why do I keep reading things these movie critics write if I don't agree and find them mostly obnoxious and annoying? It's because they can get some actual scoops and I care about the movies they talk about... or at least most of those movies.

Like, I don't want critics to be "omg this is so awesome, I love this, best movie ever" all the time, but then again, being a cynic asshole it's just so tiresome... it's like, urgh, nevermind, why do I keep reading what you write?
I've written some reviews, and I can tell you that it's about finding the right reviewer; the reviewer that suits you. Once you've found somebody who often held the same opinions as you in the past, you should stick to that person. Me, I don't usually read IGN or Gamespot reviews and such, because they have different reviewers all the time. That's why I stick to Angry Joe and maybe Zero Punctuation for teh lolz. If you find yourself disagreeing with most of what the reviewers write, then those are not the right ones to follow. Find the right one. They're certainly not supposed to be obnoxious and annoying. That said, they're not just supposed to be entertaining either... which is why I usually hate Jeremy Jahns's reviews, because they're often just not really reviews, just entertainment.

But yeah, find the right, informative reviewer who acknowledges that his reviews are just opinions, nothing more.
The more of @Angel's posts I see, the less and less appealing the prospect of having children seems.
Honestly, I could be the best contraception device ever - "Hi guys! Why not have my two youngest children for half an hour and then tell me you want to have kids!"

The world would be without the human race before the next century, I guarantee it