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What Are You Thinking?


Devil hunter in training
But my thoughts today, can be basically summed up as:
"Hurr Hurr, British people talk funny."
I agree. The fime I met my friend from America, her first words to me were something along the lines of 'omg, you sound just like Mary Poppins!.' :laugh:

Thinking: When I get something, for some reason my sister wants it too. It's a bit annoying.

This time it's lip balm. I had no idea those lip balm orbs were some kind of trend, but my sister says they're the latest thing....go figure.:rolleyes: I just bought them to keep my lips from being dry in winter and also they smell nice. :tongue:


Vanquisher of demons/ master of devil trigger
'scuse me? Was that for me? It came after my post where I talked about chapters, so... From what I know a chapter is not determined by word count, it's a part of a story that can be viewed on it's own. Kinda like cutting cake into slices.

no I mean not word count heck you could get about 500 words or more on 3-4 pages . I meant I personally wouldn't consider it a chapter well depending on how good it is


Well-known Member
no I mean not word count heck you could get about 500 words or more on 3-4 pages . I meant I personally wouldn't consider it a chapter well depending on how good it is
I'm afraid you kinda lost me there... though I'll just say 3-4 pages was an approximation, I don't know how long it will be when I'm done

Rebel Dynasty

Creator of Microcosms
Hell if I know how I've managed that much today, on 3 hours of sleep, or less. :cautious:

Took a sort-of-but-not-really nap earlier (I was just lying down with my music; every time I started to nod off, my brain insisted I must worry about something). But, since I got away from the comp for a little bit, my head doesn't hurt, and I should be able to pound out at least a couple hundred more words.

Tomorrow is going to be hectic, so maybe I should double-up on my writing as much as possible, tonight....

Chimera Khaos

Hades Leading General Commander
Sleeping pattern gone out the window, now six in the morning and I haven't slept all night, ONCE AGAIN.
Jeez brain, have you lost what little sanity you had left to not be able to tell day from night? ~.~
Well thankfully it's Friday sooo...late afternoon nap?

CT: Hungry...spaghetti bolognese...I will get you...and I will eat you...


the horror was for love
lololol you need to read more. I've read one page chapters. Yes, they do exist. Not my style of reading but there you go, to each their own (or whatever the publisher is happy with)

It bugs me when someone's book is almost entirely made of one page chapters...kinda makes me wondr why they even call 'em chapters, then....

So hungry.... I should eat something. *hasn't eaten since yesterday*
Edit: Lunch has been eaten. ^^ *also almost has everything in the croc pot for dinner later*
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I am Nero's Mom & Obsessed fan girl
I've deleted loads of stuff from my laptop... it's like I've cleansed my soul... well, not going that far, but it does feel good.
I'll have to finish moving stuff over tomorrow, it's going to take hours to move onto the Portable Hard Drive.
Ah well, I just as well burn a few CDR's.


Well-known Member
I'm probably going to have to invest in lactase pills, I love yogurt but whatever they are doing with it is triggering my lactose intolerance, even though it shouldn't.

My body has a long history of hating milk and dairy products. I had to be sort of a vegan as a baby, fed with soy-based formula, cause of milk allergy. My own curiosity cured it when one day in the kindergarten I nabbed one of the yogurts other kids were getting and shocked my body into building tolerance. Yeah, screw oranges, gimme some of that white stuff...
Too bad that no matter how much I drink it now it only gets worse. :'(

Rebel Dynasty

Creator of Microcosms
Uuuuuuuugh, just need something to put in the description and then I can post it...nyeh...everything I'm typing in sounds lame....

*Cheers* You can do it, Shadow! ^^

CT: Okay, mind over matter--I will hit my word count, regardless of how noisy it might be, today.

Or at the very least, after they've finished installing the AC. Maybe if I take it easy during the day, I can tackle it tonight? *Crosses fingers*


the horror was for love
*Cheers* You can do it, Shadow! ^^

CT: Okay, mind over matter--I will hit my word count, regardless of how noisy it might be, today.

Or at the very least, after they've finished installing the AC. Maybe if I take it easy during the day, I can tackle it tonight? *Crosses fingers*

Aww, thankies. ^^ I think I've gotten something that's okay, but...meh. Can always change it later. *cheers you on*

So the first chapter of Rebellion hasn't even been up an hour and I'm just sitting here like "Why hasn't anyone reviewed it, yet?! :'(" (despite the fact that it usually takes a while after posting to get them). Posting new chapters stresses me out.

I think it's seeing people on FFN get reviews within five minutes of posting that's kinda ruined me for this. It's like: if they can do it (and some of them are just... *cringes*) then why can't I? And then I remember that I usually post when my friends are sleeping...go figure.

+ Gonna attempt a walk today for the first time this NaNo. Here's to hoping I don't freeze or die. :thumbsup:

Chimera Khaos

Hades Leading General Commander
Waiting, waiting, waiting, waiting.... Ugh.
Internet has slowed down so badly it's going to take at least 2 hours for this stupid data to update. -.-
This internet is pffffffffssssssshhhhhhhhhhht.

CT: The offical Naruto manga has finally finished. And holy crap did I get hit with a few 'Did not see that coming' moments.

Rebel Dynasty

Creator of Microcosms
Aww, thankies. ^^ I think I've gotten something that's okay, but...meh. Can always change it later. *cheers you on*

So the first chapter of Rebellion hasn't even been up an hour and I'm just sitting here like "Why hasn't anyone reviewed it, yet?! :'(" (despite the fact that it usually takes a while after posting to get them). Posting new chapters stresses me out.

I think it's seeing people on FFN get reviews within five minutes of posting that's kinda ruined me for this. It's like: if they can do it (and some of them are just... *cringes*) then why can't I? And then I remember that I usually post when my friends are sleeping...go figure.

+ Gonna attempt a walk today for the first time this NaNo. Here's to hoping I don't freeze or die. :thumbsup:

Thanks! ^^

I actually just got the notification that you'd updated, too. And I know what you mean; some of the stories that get reviewed like crazy aren't always the best quality, or they just happen to have fortuitous timing in their uploading. Don't think the lack of reviews has to do with your skill as a writer. You're awesome, Shadow.

That said, I'mma read it, now, since I'm going with Plan B, and waiting out the chaos that is my house, currently. :laugh:
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