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I can't tell if I'm dragging this part out unnecessarily, or if I'm actually accomplishing good pacing, for once.

As soon as this chapter is done, I swear, I'm not looking at it for two days; then I'll go over it, and see what needs fixing. Right now, it's hard to see the forest for the trees.

Mah brain is tired. :dead:
Then there was Jameson. Don't get me started.
The only unrealistic aspects of this guy's life are the powers and villains.

There needs to be a "Punisher" version of this particular meta-human to make things completely believable.

... Spider-Pun, perhaps? :cool:

Speaking of which, this breed of arachnid is beyond metal. :ninja:




My OC would just be spouting dry one-liners all day. :D

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I was listening to DMC OST to celebrate finishing the game... only to end up laughing all over again over the Pubic Enemy typo. Let's not go too deep into what I'm thinking now, someone might seriously question my sanity. XD
Me and my Fiancee were playing zombies on Black Ops and I joked that the protective suits we were wearing were to protect us against Ebola.

I mean every time I look at a newspaper or turn on the TV, the news is always going on about it. I read the other day it's meant to come to Britain by December. So I know what to get everybody for Christmas then.

Man, I am killing it with these jokes.

But yeah, if it does get worse over here and begin to spread. I won't put it on my toast.

Laughter is the best medicine so I am told. Laughter is also infectious. So is Ebola. So if you've got it you can laugh, which will either spread it more or cure you.

Anyway, there's my helpful advice on the subject.
Me and my Fiancee were playing zombies on Black Ops and I joked that the protective suits we were wearing were to protect us against Ebola.

I mean every time I look at a newspaper or turn on the TV, the news is always going on about it. I read the other day it's meant to come to Britain by December. So I know what to get everybody for Christmas then.

Man, I am killing it with these jokes.

But yeah, if it does get worse over here and begin to spread. I won't put it on my toast.

Laughter is the best medicine so I am told. Laughter is also infectious. So is Ebola. So if you've got it you can laugh, which will either spread it more or cure you.

Anyway, there's my helpful advice on the subject.
The media blows it all out of proportion with their fear mongering headlines. Ebola is on the short bus of diseases when it comes to contagiousness and you really have to go out of your way to catch it. Even then, it's hard to get.

When talking about the outbreak, it's something that hasn't threatened Africa as a continent like the media would want you to believe. It's within about 3 countries and there's many factors as to why it's broken out there so bad. 3 countries that have just come off of political and economical strife including a civil war. They don't live in the most sanitary of conditions. Plus, a rather superstitious culture that rather go to traditional healers than get the medicine from the evil black magic of the western world. Nigeria, which is not much better off than the countries infected, was able to keep the ebola spread to about 10 cases. Yet, people are freaking out about the spread in a developed country like the U.S. because of the ridiculous media.

There's been what? 3 cases here and without counting the guy who was infected from Liberia and died, the new cases are exactly what the CDC has predicted would happen. One of the cases also is because some nurse without thinking decided to take off her gloves first before the rest of her protective gear. So, it's kind of just her own negligence that infected her with the virus.

The media wants to act like ebola is a huge threat to American lives despite it only infecting 2 Americans and killing one guy here who wasn't even a citizen. Thousands every day die of heart disease and cancer. No one calls pandemic or plague on that stuff or really does anything about it. It's because people worried about this "strange new disease" will line up their pockets with cash because of the media revenue.

Sure, ebola is an issue because it popped up in the country and needs a hasty response if ever discovered. But we have the capability to contain it and fight it unlike the outbreak stricken countries. Ebola isn't the issue the media wants you to believe.

But, like I said, I've never seen so many white people give a crap about the death of a black man in Texas.

Ooooo did I say that?
What if Bruce Wayne had a brother or a sister?

What if the wayne family had a daugther instead of Bruce?

What if the batman and joker were blood related?
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everything is awesome. everything is cool when you're part of a team. everything is awesome when you're living on a dream
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What if Bruce Wayne had a brother or a sister?

What if the wayne family had a daugther instead of Bruce?

What if the batman and joker were blood related?
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Reactions: Shadow

Is it bad that I read that last bit as Fowlman? *kinda picturing a dude in a Batman-style chicken suit*

Kinda hungry...I haven't eaten in almost eight hours...I should probably go eat...but I dun really feel like it...
Is it bad that I read that last bit as Fowlman? *kinda picturing a dude in a Batman-style chicken suit*

Kinda hungry...I haven't eaten in almost eight hours...I should probably go eat...but I dun really feel like it...
i would suggest eating something before you start nibbling on someone or yourself (just take my word for it, it happens)
I just can't seem to strike that right cord. It alludes me with such swiftness. Alas for nothing I've tried has worked. Am I destined to wonder this planet alone for all eternity? I can no longer escape to the batcave of my mind for the nature within me calls for a pounce'n!
I finally bought that blasted Legendary Q-Rex MegaZord! Its the closest to the GoZyuJin toy I'll ever get. (Unless I want to spend tons of cash) I'm happy with it. I also found Godzilla 2000 on Blu-Ray. It has the Japanese and US versions on it! Awesome points are OVER 8000! (Because I've seen
Ugh, horrible time to feel ill. Really horrible time.
You'd think that where I live (in the middle of buttf**k no where aka the desert) that it wouldn't rain so heavily.
It's been raining heavily, hailed heavily today it sounded like something was trying to tear through the roof, and the thunder is so friggin loud I keep jumping every few minutes.
Western Australia, not where I wanna be. :cautious: