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Well, since I got a fair bit done, yesterday, I guess I'll give my mind something of a break, today. Besides, the laundry (amongst other things) is calling, and I really need to finish reading this book...which will probably take a minimum of three days. :unsure:

Might start my sweep of Chapter Three, later...after making sure the one I did on Chapter Two actually makes sense (I haven't looked at it in two days, and I was half asleep when I did, lol).

Why am I just getting to my first cup of coffee, now? I brewed it over an hour ago. :cautious:
When you say: "Hey man, just take a few swigs of beer. It'll be fun.:D"

All I hear is: "Hey man, just take a few swigs of this cancer, stupidity, and migraine in a bottle. It'll be fun.:D"
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Gather all your horror-loving and easily scared friends to listen to all of Mrcreepypasta's new live action stories, whilst providing pizza and candy, and in the dark?

Sounds like a good time to me.:thumbsup:
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With his music playing that loud, anyone would think that he was trying to block out the sound of laughter.

Wow, the ignorance is rife. WTF is 'cray cray' when it's at home. She doesn't have emotional problems or mental health problems... she has Asperger's.
I can see why she wants to adopt. Personally, I wouldn't want to pass on any of my problems to a kid.
Look at all of the cr*p she overcame to get where she is. I sure fudging wish that I could overcome my problems... *sigh*
Hey Michael Bay...

... Guess what would've made better TMNT designs.


Even this would've been an improvement. :facepalm:

In all fairness, he did brilliant at keeping their original personalities. Except for Mikey - I don't recall him having the hots for April. And Megan Fox was an overall bad pick. Too pretty to be geeky, so she ends up looking like a Crazy beauty queen instead. :(

+ my baby boy is so sick and I'M SO FRIGGIN WORRIED ABOUT HIM.
Why do people who display their artistic creativity on the web (accepted by millions) are so surprised, shocked, upset, annoyed, when someone steals or uses their work without permission.

People displaying their work should go in with the understanding it will be used without permission ALOT.
Because it's wrong? If someone works hard on something and they share it with the rest of the world, that isn't permission to steal it and say it's their work. It never will be. You know what plagiarism is?
Huh, so apparently there's an art thief on DeviantArt that goes by the name of jesusholynipples. Undeniably, the art is obviously not hers yet she seems to be getting away with it.
Pathetic, just pathetic.

Now that's a Religious figure I can support! Look at that name! Look at it! :eek:

Damn it! That person was there today, but luckly said person wasn't annoying today. :cautious:

@LordOfDarkness Silly Spider, you know I love ya! And by you I actually mean the Spiderman in your avatar. And by Spiderman I actually mean Japanese Spiderman. Because he has a Giant Robot! :D
Well, I've got this weird quirk where I find things that should be creepy to be completely adorable, and he is delightfully skin-crawly~

Then by all means. :D If you want to use your scary/adorable beastie, go for it. ;) Hey, I'm not one to judge, anyhow; I thought it was gallant of Hannibal (in the movie), when he was cuffed, and cut off his own hand, instead of Clarice's. XD

CT: Hmm...send kiddo to school tomorrow, or no? That cough is beyond ridiculous; if she even sleeps tonight, I'd be surprised. And with tomorrow being picture day, too...then again, there will be a retake day.

Meh, I'll play it by ear.