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So, today I hanged out with my cousin and a friend or ours for a few. However my cousin's dad wanted him to come home. (btw my cousin is either at home playing videos, sleeping or at work and his parents all ways complaining that he goes out to much or playing games):rolleyes: But, we did spend some time and maybe we can go bowling or watch a movie. Maybe spend more then two hours hanging out. :laugh:
It's one of those days again where we can't decide which show to marathon. :rolleyes:
Personally, I don't care as long as we all decide soon. I'm feeling sleepy.
True Detective.

[I'm working under the assumption that you haven't watched that one yet.]

Or "The Strain"... 'cause it moves so slowly you have to marathon it in order to remember what's going on.

Either that, or just do what I do and watch a bunch of different shows one after the other. I distract easily, so this keeps my attention better than a normal marathon would.
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Now I understand why they say "don't self-diagnose yourself using the internet", because apparently I have all the type A and type B personality disorders and I'm a talking flamingo. Which is just ridiculous. Obviously I'm not a flamingo, I'm a penguin. Get your facts straight.

+ Eating pizza always makes me feel like Dante. Just not as BA. One day, though. One. Day. :shifty:
I've had epiphany that most people out there who advocate for human rights only do it cause it benefits them. Or to defend their fetish. Which again falls under benefits them category.
Any situation you find yourself in, reverse the roles (man <-> woman, straight <-> gay, thin <-> fat, etc.). If your feelings change (ie a funny burn now becomes just an uncalled insult), then you just showed yourself you are actually a discriminating bastard. I call this the true equality test. :cool:
Just had a mini argument, and now I'm wondering what the point of it was anyway. Life is odd like that. :tongue:
Yes, emotions running wild can make you do something a calmer version of you will shake head at... Though a fight every now and then does make life a little more interesting, don't ya think? *dodges rotten tomatoes and one Rebellion* XD
Hmm, I want to make a video review or and abridged anime series or something.:tongue: I just need a good video editor because I'm not going to use windows movie maker. >.> It sucks, but I might need to use until I can get something better. Maybe I should start writing some review and placing them on her. :3 Even though my writing skills aren't the great it'll be fun. :laugh:
I swear some people just make drama and find fault to complain and rant about because they're effin bored.
Like...just shut up. STOP TALKING.
What a waste of words.
And get a hobby, or something.
You would think that when a person reaches a certain age, they would be mature enough to know how to handle situations (and people) by remaining civil and firm, and not degrading into loud rants about it within earshot of the person they have an issue with.
It's....the most annoying thing ever. Grow up or shut up. Urggggg.

I need some soup. Hopefully we still have some left.

Ffs am I going to have to call this guy again?
hehe, started playing DCUO. My super villain in one word? Badass.
I remember playing that.

My friend and I had heroes, but we looked like evil badasses.

My guy looked like Zerg from Toy Story and his name was Captain Pacifist. I ran away from almost every fight acting as a running joke getting team mates killed.

My buddy was Captain Nazi looking like Red Skull. He fought intolerance.

We spent a good bit of time running around the police station shooting hand blast like total retards.
I remember playing that.

My friend and I had heroes, but we looked like evil badasses.

My guy looked like Zerg from Toy Story and his name was Captain Pacifist. I ran away from almost every fight acting as a running joke getting team mates killed.

My buddy was Captain Nazi looking like Red Skull. He fought intolerance.

We spent a good bit of time running around the police station shooting hand blast like total retards.
well I tried to make my villain like my OC. His name is Glaser Mal Bennerido. He has super speed and mental abilities. But his armour looks badass. People look at him thinking that I'm some sort of powerful veteran despite the fact I started playing it last weekend. XD
On FB, via horror group, link to creepy abandoned theme parks. Cue youtube vid.
Oh, look curiosity, more creepy parks. Oh, wait, there's a vid about the top ten theme park accidents.
Cue hubby walking in and going: you need to get outmore. Dont watch stuff like that.
I turn it off, find him watching bf clips not 2 minutes later. Convo:
Me - oh, look who's all preachy but no walky. Then you complain about the **** I watch when yours is no better.
Him- kay, I'll turn it off, see?
Me- well good for you.
What a fkn hypocrit. I never whinge about what he watches, but payback was begging.
After watching this week's episode of Gotham, I have come to the conclusion that Eddie is the human equivalent of a puppy in need of hugs. Hug me, Eddie. It'll make you feel better. But for the Gods' sakes, if you say a single thing about my intelligence.... *twitches*

+ My moods get really erratic when I'm sick. OTL Fangirling seems to be worse, too. *sips tea worriedly*