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Hehe, I was...am...still gaming. LOL *supposed to be doing stuff today but just can't concentrate**keeps thinking about her and mum's nephew's b-day for some reason*
LOL Sometimes I'm more clouds than sunshine. XD
Oooh! Mass destruction in gaming! Yeah, that is addicting. ._. *has a lot of fun in Saint's Row when she has a rocket launcher*

Other than editing, I've been kind of slacking off today, too. ^^; Lol! Hey, you're allowed. ;)

Hehe, at least we're only causing mayhem in games, right?
I am really ashamed of myself for being such an evil person, but when I saw a certain person having financial troubles again, the first thought in my mind was - karma.
From what I read it was never really "we won't have anything to eat" financial trouble, more like "I won't be able to afford internet for some time, and my life has no meaning without it", but still...
Well, Chapter Six has been started, though I get the feeling I'm painting myself into a corner with how I've opened it up....

Meh, I'll work around it; I always do. And when that doesn't work, I revise. (Geez, first write-through, and I swear, I've done two drafts of the first four chapters, revised the first four chapters at least three times after that, and everything from chapter five to thirteen has been revised anywhere from two to three times. Won't even go into editing, because that's done continuously, but yeah...hopefully I haven't discarded anything worthwhile along the way).

Hmm...we really need to go grocery shopping, today. :cautious:

Okay, Mother Nature...it's Autumn. Enough of the heat, already.
Mum and my nephew is turning 1 today. Can't believe he's grown up so fast. I hope we can find him a present today. Oh, gods, I hope there's not a lot of kids at the party tomorrow. Just...yeesh. *hides from kids* I can't believe he's 1 already! :D

+ Foooooood.... *zombie walks into the kitchen in search of breakfast*
Weeeeell, we got our nephew his birthday presents. Mum and Gran went majorly overboard with all the Batman merch for the kid. O_o So glad they didn't find any Batman wrapping paper/gift bags/etc.

+ I dun feel like cooking dinner tonight. *drags croc pot out*
++ People in Walmart are really rude for some reason. O_o
+++ 8wk old kittens! :inlove: Oh my gods, how cute! *coos* They're so tiny and soft and fragile-looking. And they wanted to nibble on my hands. Oh, Stiltsy, we need to get you a baby sibling. :happy:
I have to write a literary critic ism this weekend with an angry ghost space bar that likes to ac t up every time I hit a few of the keys on the bottom row . . . . This is what I get for not planning three countdowns ahead isn't it?
I hav e to write a literary c ritic ism this weekend with a ghost spac e bar that likes to ac t up ev ery tim e I hit a few of the keys on the bottom row . . . . This is what I get for not planning three c ountdowns ahead isnt it?