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Curse you sony vegas, why you have to kersplode while I'm in the middle of count downing!! Eh I guess Ima just go and make a ramble about Mark of Athena I try to fix you.
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I'm going to start learning Japanese. So far I know how to say "love" correctly and that Hiragana is my best friend. That's not a bad start right? :rolleyes:
OmG! Dragon Ball (Z) Kai's song "Dear Zarathustra is freaking amazing! :cool:
Stores like Goodwill are awesome. You can sometimes find some really cool stuff. Like searching for buried treasure.

I was at Goodwill yesterday searching for some stuff to help me make my Hanji costume and I came across Star Wars Battlefront 2 (PS2) for only $5. It was in great condition and even still had the booklet inside.

Not really a Star Wars fan, but I LOVED the Battlefront games.
It appears the world was hating on the wrong man. Apparently Robin Thicke admitted in court testimony that Blurred Lines was all Pharrel's work and that he was actually too stoned to do anything but sing and do as told.
Go figure...
It's pretty bad that I can no longer read my rough notes for Chapter Five, what with all the crossing out, arrows going every which way, and tiny, messy print filling the borders...

Good thing I have another spiral-bound just waiting to be filled with revised chapter notes, lol. This is why I buy 'em in bulk. :wink:

Now that that is sorted out...more typing, me thinks. Or maybe I'll finish the Witching Hour...I'm only what, a hundred pages off? Seriously, why have I been so slow, lately? :cautious:
I want to get DmC Devil May Cry for the PS 3. i miss playing that game. Q_Q So, much I'm having dreams about. Welp there goes another DMC fanfic I want to write. Yeah and maybe......*thinks of something pervy ԅ(≖‿≖ԅ)* Hehehe But, I got to keep it PG-13 yeah?

DmC Dante: |ω・)maybe.....
DmC Vergil: “ψ(`∇´)ψ Come. Join us on the dark side! We have strawberry sundaes!
DmC Dante and Vergil looking super sexy

( ̄^ ̄)ゞ K