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What Are You Thinking?


I am Nero's Mom & Obsessed fan girl
We got Stilts and Sug their Halloween costumes, finally. Sug got a little black and purple dress (mum says it's a fairy dress and I say it's a princess dress) and Stiltsy got a purple shirt that says "I don't do costumes". He already disapproves of it. :p Luckily, we got him his birthday presents today, too, so that should make up for having to wear another shirt. XD Can't believe my lil Stiltsy will be two on Saturday. x3 *snuggles him*

Stilts is 2?! Woah, time has flown. :hungover:
I demands pictures! (jk) :laugh: How did you get a t-shirt on Stilts... :laugh: did you have to bribe him?... tranquilize him? (jk) :tongue:
My mum would love to dress Tilly up, but it's like trying to corner... I dunno... Batman (or something... else that's elusive :unsure: ).

CT: ooh, I'm having palpitations again... :bored: It's a good job I've got a doctor's appointment tomorrow :unsure: not that I'm worried... well I am. If he's got any sense, he'll take me off these damn tablets for good.:shifty:

Dante's Stalker

"Outrun this!"
Supporter 2014
It's not every morning I come in cursing about my keys. You'd think he'd take notice and offer to help instead of pulling his urg face because I swore.
'Do unto others as you want done unto you'. Well if that's his life motto, maybe I should start treating him like :poop: too, seeing as that's how he treats me.

And then he comes down here to interrogate me about work and leave and money. Yeah, because I choose to get so sick and sore that I could pass out and vomit all at once. Because I'd rather stay at home getting rid of the lining of my stomach than go to work.

Bloody asswipe better stay in front of his stupid computer game today and leave me alone. Maybe I should call his work and tell them that on his remote day, when he's meant to be helping me as he told them, he's actually playing bf with his bro instead. I don't need him here if he's not going to lift a finger. It's not like he didn't see me hugging the bucket this morning. The idiot could have done the drop offs for me. One day I'm gonna pass out while driving and crash our new car into bits.

Rebel Dynasty

Creator of Microcosms
Well hallo there, writing stumbling block! It's been awhile. You should have called, before dropping in, unannounced; I don't want to entertain you.

*Sigh* Looks like I can deal with this one of two ways:

1) I take the rough notes of Chapter 13, and turn it into a later Chapter--maybe 14, maybe 15, depending--and make what likely would have been in Chapter 14 and/or 15 into Chapter 13, instead.


2) I keep the current Chapter 13 as is, and create a suitable obstacle for the protagonists to deal with that keeps the story moving forward, without that nagging feeling like I'm just dragging it out until I get to that next milestone (i.e. the events likely to take place in Ch. 14 and 15).

If I didn't have to get up early, I'd be working through it right now. :meh:


Supporter 2014
and growing up is only an option
That's right. The sooner you grow up, the sooner you grow old and die.

Look, all I'm saying is: growing up, other than the fact that you're a bit freer, sucks for the most part. It's only great if you have enough money to support yourself... and even then, it's a toss-up.


I am Nero's Mom & Obsessed fan girl
I've been 'on an all nighter'... the main reason, insomnia from tablet withdrawal, so I completed Diablo III Reaper of Souls. By the time I had finished it at 6am, I wouldn't have gone to sleep until 7am and, I would've only got 40 minutes sleep as I had to be up for an early doctors appointment.
So Mum said that (if I want to) she'll let me sleep for a few hours later... Although sleep and I are enemies at the moment.


Fake Geek Girl.
So, the best holiday and time of the year is coming up. I'm talking about Halloween.

Now, I gotta start putting together me costume, but I'm torn between a couple choices. Should I go forth with making an entirely new costume, or just finish putting together my Hanji Zoe cosplay from Attack on Titan which I have already sunk some money in to? If you don't know, Hanji is the character in my profile pic and yes, I do crossplay.

My girlfriend and I have been working pretty hard to make the Hanji crossplay come together and she basically turns me in to her own personal doll. She has a lot of fun with it and we've actually turned me in to a very convincing girl. Fooled all lot of people.

I'm just sounding weird now huh? Whatevs, I just view it as a costume and I plan on going to the next convention dressed like that anyway so, might as well work up the courage to be more public about it. But I'm getting off track.

Hanji, or new costume. There's a party I'm gonna hit up on October 17th so having my stuff done sooner rather than later is a priority.


The Dark Avenger © †
Premium Elite
Supporter 2014
Xen-Omni 2020
Me and my friend pitched our idea to the staff at McDonalds...

...Mood swing meal. Halfway through your happy meal, a member of staff will throw the rest of your food in the bin. Or replace it with a bag containing an unhappy face symbol and a razor blade. Or if you're feeling uncertain you'll get a burger that's a mixture of everything it won't even know if it's cow or chicken. And neither will you :thumbsup:

Rebel Dynasty

Creator of Microcosms
Me and my friend pitched our idea to the staff at McDonalds...

...Mood swing meal. Halfway through your happy meal, a member of staff will throw the rest of your food in the bin. Or replace it with a bag containing an unhappy face symbol and a razor blade. Or if you're feeling uncertain you'll get a burger that's a mixture of everything it won't even know if it's cow or chicken. And neither will you :thumbsup:

Lol! Should we be worried, LoD? :tongue:

CT: Okay, so not 1k. 950 isn't so bad, and really, I could bump it up to 1000 easily, once I cool down a bit (my body is trying to eject a cold before it takes over...I think it might be losing).

Damn, it figures; Aurora goes back to school, and we all get sick. :dead: I think I'll take the, "How the hell did I get on the floor?" medicine tonight before bed (i.e. read, "Nyquil").

I feel a bit better, getting that done, today. My characters are so alive to me, that their disappointment is a one-way ticket to guiltsville, if I don't meet a specific standard for the day. I think they'll let me rest a bit, now.

Why yes, I think I am a bit crazy....but aren't we all? :laugh:


I am Nero's Mom & Obsessed fan girl
I need to tidy up... :cautious:

NAKED VERGIL!!!! :inlove::inlove::inlove::inlove::inlove::inlove:
Sorry, I found lots of Doujinshi.

Vergil: :meh: I'll get the hose...
VB: Which one? :laugh:
Vergil: Not the one you're thinking of! :bored:
VB: What? The garden hose? :woot:
Vergil: Uhhh, forget it... :cautious:

Sorry, the doc increased my meds. I've been feeling odd all day... I was feeling pretty drunk this afternoon because of them... at least my stupidity gave mum a laugh.


"Plough the lilies"
A new fatal frame was just announced. Oh this is so exciting! Only to know that a franchise that grew on the playstation is now a Wii-U exclusive. Gotta ****ing love that. So what if Nintendo co-owns the franchise? P!ss on that. I played the first ones on the playstation and so as many others.

Rebel Dynasty

Creator of Microcosms
I need to tidy up... :cautious:

NAKED VERGIL!!!! :inlove::inlove::inlove::inlove::inlove::inlove:
Sorry, I found lots of Doujinshi.

Vergil: :meh: I'll get the hose...
VB: Which one? :laugh:
Vergil: Not the one you're thinking of! :bored:
VB: What? The garden hose? :woot:
Vergil: Uhhh, forget it... :cautious:

Sorry, the doc increased my meds. I've been feeling odd all day... I was feeling pretty drunk this afternoon because of them... at least my stupidity gave mum a laugh.

Oh, Veebs. You crack me up. :laugh:


the horror was for love
Day 2 of our adventure:

Treasure hunting is going well for some of our expedition team, though some have also lost some of their treasure in a mysterious manner. So far, we've encountered a mystic who controlled cats and a tribe of friendly native who shared sea food with us. We hope to continue with this trend over the following days. We also hope to find more treasure in the morrow.
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