We got Stilts and Sug their Halloween costumes, finally. Sug got a little black and purple dress (mum says it's a fairy dress and I say it's a princess dress) and Stiltsy got a purple shirt that says "I don't do costumes". He already disapproves of it.Luckily, we got him his birthday presents today, too, so that should make up for having to wear another shirt. XD Can't believe my lil Stiltsy will be two on Saturday. x3 *snuggles him*
Stilts is 2?! Woah, time has flown. :hungover:
I demands pictures! (jk) :laugh: How did you get a t-shirt on Stilts... :laugh: did you have to bribe him?... tranquilize him? (jk) :tongue:
My mum would love to dress Tilly up, but it's like trying to corner... I dunno... Batman (or something... else that's elusive

CT: ooh, I'm having palpitations again... :bored: It's a good job I've got a doctor's appointment tomorrow