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I don't get why some people do these crazy challenges.

I get that they're doing it for ALS awareness, but I think I'd prefer to just donate, rather than make myself sick. ^^;

CT: Yay, I accomplished what I set out to do, today--that section is finally done!

Tomorrow, Reeves...tomorrow, you will get your due, you shadowy jerk. :tongue:

But for now...anime! And dinner, must not forget that. :ninja:
Nither do I. A lot of the celebrities do it for publicity and attention and then the general public follow them. Personally, I'll stick to donating money. I don't want to be icy cold. :tongue:

So just because someone else did it doesn't mean i have to do it. i'll stick to the old fashion way. and besides the challenge is a waste of water.
No, I will not be tipping ice cold water over myself and putting a video of it online. :rolleyes:
Nor will I be tipping ice cold water over my autistic daughter's head just because her BABY cousin 'nominated' her to do so. The **** is she thinking? I know it's for a good cause (Have you guys seen the funny vid of the dude who did the challenge and is also a sufferer of that disease?My gosh, my heart broke, I cried with him) but there is no way I'm doing that to my kid, sorry hun. I am also never asking her to babysit my kids.

I do think the challenge thing is absolutely stupid, too. Bet you a lot of people don't even know WHAT it's for or WHY they're doing it. Like. Let's all run over hot coals on our bare feet! Yay, whoo! Why? I dunno, everybody else is doing it.

The internet: exploiting people's stupidity.

+ Is anyone here Morbidly Obscure on FF.net?Please talk to me.
Just finished the Sora part of Kingdom Hearts chain of memories. Ugh that ending felt kind of unfulfilling. Although now more than ever I'm convinced that Sora has a mission to get rid of all of the characters that are more interesting than him. Whatever at least I get to play as Riku now.
while i was doing my "creative fiction" paper the character i chose to write about was superman. he's been on my mind lately and it's weird how in his 75 year history, he's gone in a complete 360. he started out one way in the 30's then he evolved in the 50's then changed again in the 90's now he's back to where he was in the 30's. i was gonna do wonder woman but i like the character's CREATOR more so than the actual character :tongue: but yeah. not just characters, but concepts that go back to their original forms or how we tend to go back to what we used to know or liked decades ago. how things just reamurge after a while
Hmm....I could probably get a fair bit of writing done (once I wake up).

Maybe I'll make spaghetti for dinner; I'm sure he'll like that, since today is going to be much longer than usual for him. Funny, I didn't even ask him why they were heading out that far... ^^;
I got mum making us spaghetti bolognaise for dinner tonight. Nothing turns me into a kid again as fast as that does.:'(
Pardon me, my emotions are a bit... haywire at the moment. Those are happy tears.

+ chicken noodle soup

++ only two more owlies to goes...yep yep yep

+++I wonder if I can get some writing in tonight?