I feel like popcorn would be really good about now....
Explosion imminent, perhaps?
I'm evil for finding this amusing.
Explosion imminent, perhaps?

I'm evil for finding this amusing.
I could really eat a cheeseburger too.
I named mine Vergil... It's now used it's name as an excuse to do 'Vergil-y things' (raising hell, wanting more power etc)
CT: I swear he looks at me and thinks I'm a certain word beginning with 'R'. He's also jealous... I just don't feel comfortable with him anymore.Let's face it, I'm not the person he thought I was, he now see's me through 'ignorant eyes' because that's what he is... ignorant, nasty, cruel etc.
Slacker. :bored:I think people who know me are just surprised that I won't be starting another degree, post grad or masters...
What do you do when you hate everyone at work? Because they don't advance your life in any way, shape or form.
Not all only children are spoiled or selfish brats. There are some, but I've also met people who were only children and they were fine with sharing or pitching in their fair share.Honestly, he sounds like a spoiled little boy. Any chance he's an only child?
People like that...I don't even think they get upset if someone leaves. They think it's the fault of the other person for leaving. That's just how some people are. They live in their own bubble and don't care at all. I don't think people like that can be changed, nor do they want to change. That's the problem.One day when you move out, he's going to realise just what he'd lost and be miserable about how miserable he'd been to you. It may come out sounding a lot more like "she left because now our house isn't good enough anymore, I gave her everything and she never appreciated it, etc etc".
True enough. They are incapable of being kind for some reason...maybe due to past childhood trauma themselves. People like that, I wonder what went wrong with them and why they inflict their nasty personality on others. People like that can't be reasoned with or talked to. It's always the fault of someone else just to save their own pride.I know. My dad's part of the Epic Asshat club. He did something similar. It's always about him, and it's always negative/complaints about everyone else. Unfortunately, people like our dads just don't have that will power to be nice. It's alien to them. It's like setting them on a marathon that they haven't trained for. They're terrified of being friendly, or nice, or empathetic, or loving, because they think that makes them weak. Gives other people to upperhand. Gives others the opportunity to be mean to them.
They're cowards, Veebs. Don't let a scared little man's rants have any value. You've just been through a dragging hell. The least he could do is applaud you for going for it, not mope around like a sorry twit.
KRSkull you are a genius! Thanks and I know your a Team Baron man! Traitor! Long live Team Gaim! Lol.
I know the feeling on two occasions I had a dream about my characters that plagued me all day while I tried to remember the details.What the hell did I just write? ._. *thinks her characters just took over her brain*(
People like that...I don't even think they get upset if someone leaves. They think it's the fault of the other person for leaving. That's just how some people are. They live in their own bubble and don't care at all. I don't think people like that can be changed, nor do they want to change. That's the problem.
Well as far as my dad is concerned, my grandad was a heartless dick who didn't care about anything but sleeping around with women and expecting the world to bow down to him. My grandad is the kind of person who used to chuck a litter of newborn pups into the river in a plastic bag because he didn't want more pets. And yes he actually did do that, quite often I believe, as dogs were basically part of my dad's family.True enough. They are incapable of being kind for some reason...maybe due to past childhood trauma themselves. People like that, I wonder what went wrong with them and why they inflict their nasty personality on others. People like that can't be reasoned with or talked to. It's always the fault of someone else just to save their own pride.
It's sad for me to think parents can be like that to their own children. Why have children if they are going to be so cruel? It's just inflicting their own problems and issues onto someone who didn't ask to be born. The least the parents can do is love their own child instead of treating them like rubbish and dumping judgements on to them.
I have friends in therapy over what their mothers or fathers did. Bearing in mind these are people in their 20s and 30s. Still, they haven't forgotten the divorce, neglectful mother even though she stayed at home, or the affair that the father had and the arguments, fallout and financial worries that caused. Those psychological wounds cut deep. Makes me wonder why these poor excuses for parents ever bother to procreate. All they've done is made inncocent children into messed up, confused and hurt adults.
a DD for that pic of Kazu, huh? their choice sometimes baffle me... (not the 1st time and I always think "wtf" about the ones they pick but, hey, I'm not complaining)
lesse if he can overtake the other pic of himself in the fav stats.
a DD for that pic of Kazu, huh? their choice sometimes baffle me... (not the 1st time and I always think "wtf" about the ones they pick but, hey, I'm not complaining)
lesse if he can overtake the other pic of himself in the fav stats.
A DD? (I feel like digital might be in there, somewhere). Ooh, is it the one I really, really like, too? ^^
CT: I feel like that was too quickly resolved...add more to the scene?
Yeah, I think I'll have to...even though I've hit a stumbling block as far as feels are concerned...
A Daily Deviation on dA. ^^
*cheers on your writing*