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that‘s the government for ya,there the evil robin hoods, rob from the poor and leave the rich get away with it because they don‘t live in the country for half the year.
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I think it is disgusting. If someone is a bajillionaire and dies then that is one thing but usually the inheritance tax hits hardest those whose loved ones have owned a decently priced property and it just hits the threshold for needing to be taxed.

Like those people haven't already paid enough tax during their lifetime, now their relatives have to foot a bill which no one expected. We got smacked with a huge bill for inheritance tax a few years ago and it was a number that still makes me angry now - and it was ONLY due to property. And I'm not talking mansions or anything either - just a standard semi. Two days after the bill, they changed the threshold so that had it all happened just a little later, there would have been no tax at all.

When my grandmother died at the age of almost 90, she had about £3000 to her name to divide between 4 kids and 9 grandchildren. She also had a property which of course by that age had been paid for in full...unfortunately, it had become a listed building in recent years and the value had shot up significantly because it was in a nice part of Sussex near a historical site etc. So began 2 years of legal nonsense to get the tax paid and the money distributed - 2 years of upset for her children, basically.

Sorry, ranting now - tax annoys me when it hits people who barely meet the requirement but the law states they have to pay up regardless of circumstance.

Just had a similar rant in the ranting thread. I have similar sentiments to you about this. I wouldn't mind if I knew that the hard work of my grandparents and parents went to help charities and people who need it, but it seems like the government want to keep the money for themselves to benefit themselves.

Knowing the government, I bet they would have tried to take a portion of your Grandmother's £3,000 if they could. It's despicable that they are allowed to put such a high tax on people who don't earn much at all.
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Just had a similar rant in the ranting thread. I have similar sentiments to you about this. I wouldn't mind if I knew that the hard work of my grandparents and parents went to help charities and people who need it, but it seems like the government want to keep the money for themselves to benefit themselves.

Knowing the government, I bet they would have tried to take a portion of your Grandmother's £3,000 if they could. It's despicable that they are allowed to put such a high tax on people who don't earn much at all.

Inheritance tax shouldn't even exist. You pay tax when you earn, you pay tax when you spend... you already paid tax to earn the savings and you probably pay tax on the interest too so whatever you leave to your kids or whoever should be none of their damn business. If someone leaves a house to their kids - or anything - it should belong to them. Literally any decent sum of money exchanged anywhere the government want their hands on whether it's your worldly goods or your basic shelter. Gross.

Income tax was introduced originally to pay for a war with France. Then they conveniently forgot to do away with it after that war. What does inheritance tax pay for and what's the reasoning behind it? They don't even have to have a reasoning but if there was one it would still make no sense.

(not saying that because I'm expecting an inheritance either, I'll probably get nothing, I think it's unfair/BS when you're taxed on everything else to be taxed on a death gift).
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I have a pretty strong feeling I am about to get my virtual backside beaten soundly for what I just posted over on Residentevil.org...

Ah well.
^ the thing about the clothing?

If so I think you're correct about it. No, I know you are. Rapists and weirdos don't care what a person wears or even if they look feminine, they look only for something to take advantage of.

Date rape might be slightly different. Still I don't think many people dress revealing to get rapey attention. Who would? Except maybe a tiny number of people who might get off on being raped (not many I imagine). Most probably want attention and compliments, and don't expect people to want to rape them, let's face it. That would be like saying someone who likes to drive their expensive car around town wants it to be stolen.
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If so I think you're correct about it. No, I know you are. Rapists and weirdos don't care what a person wears or even if they look feminine, they look only for something to take advantage of.
Exactly. If clothing and being female was the main reason for rape, then why do guys who are hetero suddenly decide to rape other men in prison. It's all about power trips, taking away dignity and humiliating their chosen target. These people just want someone to control and they pick whoever they think will be easiest to do that to.
I agree with both of you, Ieyasu and Loopy. What too many victim-blamers fail to realize is the fact that rape is less about sexual attraction, and more about domination.

Honestly, it's downright silly for people to assume that just because a woman dresses "provocatively" she was just asking for it. :/

Not to mention men get raped too, and not just in prison by other men. Women are just as capable of slipping ruffies into drinks, too.
decided to be helpful to my team after ages, so i bought Will of The Ancient, noticed it doesnt have the aura anymore. . .
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I agree with both of you, Ieyasu and Loopy. What too many victim-blamers fail to realize is the fact that rape is less about sexual attraction, and more about domination.

Don't understand victim blamers. I can't side with a rapist, even if there might have been provocation, since you've got a simple choice when it comes down to it: you either take the side of people who bring society down through their lack of self control, or you condemn those who bring society down (and hopefully in the process it lifts society a little higher out of the mud).

Ignoring rapists and blaming victims means you might as well endorse a society full of that crap.

I mean hey, many of us might want to rob a bank but we don't. Self control is what holds it all together. Blaming a victim is like saying people without self control are cool and not answerable for their actions. Imagine if murderers were given the same sympathy as rapists. It's a nonsensical view. . .
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^ the thing about the clothing?

If so I think you're correct about it. No, I know you are. Rapists and weirdos don't care what a person wears or even if they look feminine, they look only for something to take advantage of.

Date rape might be slightly different. Still I don't think many people dress revealing to get rapey attention. Who would? Except maybe a tiny number of people who might get off on being raped (not many I imagine). Most probably want attention and compliments, and don't expect people to want to rape them, let's face it. That would be like saying someone who likes to drive their expensive car around town wants it to be stolen.
I think I may still get a verbal beat down from the "I can wear what I want" crowd. And I am not denying anyone the right to dress as they please - I was just wondering why someone would deem it necessary to wear barely-there clothing if they don't want others staring or checking them out.

Sure, you can wear, do, say whatever you want - but assume a little responsibility. I am not saying men and women should not dress to impress, but sometimes dressing in little more than your birthday suit is going to confuse people and lead to snap judgments which cause more harm than good.
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Not to mention men get raped too, and not just in prison by other men. Women are just as capable of slipping ruffies into drinks, too.
I heard of one pretty extreme case where a man was drugged and then later the woman who did it to him told him she was pregnant and he now has to pay child support for a baby he had no say in creating.

But for some reason, this kind of male rape is seen as funny just because it is a woman doing the crime. There are jokes about the man being weak if a woman is able to overpower him, and worse jokes about it's not rape because men always want sex.
This same 'men always want sex' excuse is also used to justify raping men and women, and adultery.

Self control is what holds it all together. Blaming a victim is like saying people without self control are cool and not answerable for their actions. Imagine if murderers were given the same sympathy as rapists. It's a nonsensical view. . .
Exactly. I don't know why people try and blame others for their appalling lack of self control.
If someone made you mad, you don't punch them or try to kill them. If you felt like sex and the other person didn't, it doesn't justify rape.

It still annoys me that in this day and age there are adverts on the TV telling men that if a woman says no and you pester her or have to coerce her in any way, subtle or otherwise, that it is rape.

As a side thought: do rapists even think that when they rape a woman, she could become pregnant? Or is that what they want? That's disgusting if that is also on their agenda.
Turning an already horrific experience into a 9 month bodily violation with all sorts of mental and physical complications thrown in; an unwanted child put there by a violent thug, and then years of raising the product of rape, and being reminded of the attack by looking at the child must be unbearable.

I don't know how women can go through an unwanted pregnancy, let alone one from rape. I guess that's why the majority choose abortion, especially when there have been crazy court rulings that let the rapist see the child because it violated his right to be a father. What sort of a court allows that?! Clearly if the man was a rapist, he is not fit to be in society, never mind near a child. Then there's the woman who has to have regular contact with the man who violated her and forced a child on her...it's just sick.

And now I'm ranting, but this kind of subject gets me so wound up.
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Don't understand victim blamers. I can't side with a rapist, even if there might have been provocation, since you've got a simple choice when it comes down to it: you either take the side of people who bring society down through their lack of self control, or you condemn those who bring society down (and hopefully in the process it lifts society a little higher out of the mud).

Ignoring rapists and blaming victims means you might as well endorse a society full of that crap.

I mean hey, many of us might want to rob a bank but we don't. Self control is what holds it all together. Blaming a victim is like saying people without self control are cool and not answerable for their actions. Imagine if murderers were given the same sympathy as rapists. It's a nonsensical view. . .

Exactly; and in the cases of victim-blaming, they always make it seem like the rapist (usually a man, in these scenarios) "can't help himself". What utter bullshyte.

In essence, it makes all men look bad, like they're slaves to their libidos. It's completely insulting to everyone involved; where's the accountability for one's actions?

And people wonder why there are all these entitled, self-absorbed little asshats running around, blaming everyone but themselves for their actions. :/

Gee, it's such a mystery...
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I actually like that there are those ads now from the Hollyoaks cast - its aimed at teens and I think it is valuable for them to understand that rape is not necessarily being dragged off into the bushes by some stranger or being interfered with by a dodgy family member. I recall confiding in my best friend one time and her first reaction was to laugh and then say "but that's nonsense - he's your fiance. Are you sure you're not confused?"

Never spoke about it to any of my peers again - I figured if my best friend didn't believe me, then who would?
I actually like that there are those ads now from the Hollyoaks cast - its aimed at teens and I think it is valuable for them to understand that rape is not necessarily being dragged off into the bushes by some stranger or being interfered with by a dodgy family member. I recall confiding in my best friend one time and her first reaction was to laugh and then say "but that's nonsense - he's your fiance. Are you sure you're not confused?"

Never spoke about it to any of my peers again - I figured if my best friend didn't believe me, then who would?

So let me get this straight; this friend of yours was under the delusion that, just because you were a couple, it didn't constitute as rape?


No. Just...no. -_-

You have my condolences; both that you experienced something of that nature, and that your friend-pardon me for saying this-was such a dim bulb.
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Exactly; and in the cases of victim-blaming, they always make it seem like the rapist (usually a man, in these scenarios) "can't help himself". What utter bullshyte.
The worst part of that is, I have heard guys believe that crap about not being able to help themselves. Like I was saying in my other post, they also use that excuse to justify affairs when their partners/ wives are pregnant. Forums are full of guys like using that excuse and then blaming the woman because he wasn't getting enough. Women aren't blow up dolls, you know. :facepalm:

In essence, it makes all men look bad, like they're slaves to their libidos. It's completely insulting to everyone involved; where's the accountability for one's actions?
If that's the case, if men truly were uncontrollable rapist animals with no libido control like these excuses make out, then there'd be some kind of curfew for men, or they'd all be put in prison as a precaution just in case they decided to rape one day.

It just gives men a bad name when a few sickos ruin it for all the really nice and decent guys.

I recall confiding in my best friend one time and her first reaction was to laugh and then say "but that's nonsense - he's your fiance. Are you sure you're not confused?"

Never spoke about it to any of my peers again - I figured if my best friend didn't believe me, then who would?
Sadly, there is still the view that if marriage or engagement is involved then it can't possibly be rape. Maybe that goes back to the idea of women being the property of their husbands? Or the religions teaching that women must have sex with a man because it is her duty to please her husband, even if she is unwilling. Or like those adverts, because the normal image of rape is violent, and not coercive bullying, and of course, husbands are never capable of that. :facepalm:

It's only recently (1980's- 1990's) that spousal rape has been acknowledged as a crime and punishable offence. It should have been seen as a crime long ago.
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