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CT: Common courtesy and common sense are mislabelled; neither one is even remotely "common".

(There's more to that, but damned if I can remember the other aspect; I've had this thought before. Curse you, 6:30 a.m.)
Something has been broken and they want no questions asked... in short its likely bribery and you will find out why shortly.
Turns out Jessica decided to help herself to the App Store...at least she paid me. Honest to goodness my first thought was that Steve had left the money and my second thought was "cheeky sod"

If anything watch the first five seconds of this. It's all you have to do to get why it won't leave my head. I swear to god it's not a screamer or anything, just funny as hell.
Yeah - that could easily be Jake. He has managed to bypass my security code twice on his iPad and almost downloaded quite a large number of Rovio games...thankfully, I have amended the settings for the App Store and iTunes to ask for my password every single time you try to do anything ever. And so far, Jake hasn't worked out the password...but given long enough I reckon he'll probably crack it. That said, I've enabled the strictest possible settings via the parental controls so hopefully if he does manage to get in, the most he can spend is 69p on The Mighty Eagle :laugh:

It's scary how tech-savvy my little boy is. I mean, I'm not a complete moron when it comes to IT fidgy-widgyness but he puts me to shame every time. I don't even know how he does half the things he does on his iPad and I've read the freakin' manual from cover to cover O_o
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It says something about the tenacity of your children when you have to invest in a bike chain and padlock to keep them from opening the safety gate to their room and throwing themselves (or, more likely, each other) down the stairs. The manufacturers of these things really need to make it impossible for a child to operate the locking mechanism because it took Jake all of two minutes to figure it out and even less time to teach Josh.

Our house is more like a zoo sometimes...
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It's scary how tech-savvy my little boy is. I mean, I'm not a complete moron when it comes to IT fidgy-widgyness but he puts me to shame every time. I don't even know how he does half the things he does on his iPad and I've read the freakin' manual from cover to cover O_o
Children are like that these days. I reckon it's because they spend so much time with technology that they become better at it than their parents. That story about the child racking up that huge bill on their parents account only proves how much children are aware of technology compared to their parents.

My younger cousin, who's 11, likes to maintain his school's computer systems, intranet and fix hardware faults because he finds it fun. He even built his own desktop and laptop from scratch because he wanted it for gaming and to have illuminated keyboards.
His parents, on the other hand are not very tech savvy at all, but they encourage him because he just seems to have a natural talent and curiosity for things like that.

That's just how children are these days. I find it both amazing and a little worrying that they're exposed to technology so early that they're able to do things their parents can't.

Thinking: I think I've become addicted to bomb cosmetics. I regret nothing!:tongue:
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~Snipped... didn't want to repost vid, save room...etc~

What the heck is wrong with it? It's totally awesome... I'm cr*p at the normal version lol.

CT: Nine Vergil models... NINE! ... EEK! HEAVEN! :inlove:
:'( I really hope he'll keep his word... I'm sick of being like this.
Mexican dramas have crossed the line into melodrama and don't seem to be heading back anytime soon. It's ridiculously entertaining for what ever reason, so dumb and over done but so much fun. Better than the worst soap opera and tele novela put together and left to make babies in the lost island of corn and cheese for 30 years and with the budget of a 3 am infomercial.
I started a run of DMC3 and once I got to Agni and Rudra they completely thrashed me quite a few times. Not once was I even remotely annoyed. If I can have as much fun losing to a boss as I do winning I would say that they got something right.
What the heck is wrong with it? It's totally awesome... I'm cr*p at the normal version lol.

Actually, it's funny you'd say it's awesome because the most tech-savvy of the group in the vid (who also explains exactly why the cartridge is messing up so badly) says that it's "beautiful" and actually means it.

But really I just wanted people to see the "We're gonna play Super wegerbwergeberkerk... Ooooon the NES." part.
Just got chewed out by another parent for not agreeing that as a parent, my kids are my world. Of course my kids aren't my world - I was here first and I'm not about to abdicate that particular throne.

Thank You! I thought I was alone in this feeling.

I love my daughter more than anything, but being a mother isn't what defines me. Before I was a mom, I was someone's partner; before that, I'm a woman, and before that, I am a human being.

You know what happens to the moms that have no interests outside of their children? They suffer through the worst cases of empty nest, and they lose a sense of identity.

The idea of losing my sense of self actually scares me.

Like I said, I love my daughter-but I had an identity before her, and there are other people in my life that I care deeply for, as well. She just happens to be the one I have an easier time making sacrifices for.