I'm seriously contemplating going off FB for good. If I can get my friends to add this app to their phones we can keep in touch better.
FB is just a means for the past to creep up on you. Deleted all my school contacts, told my old BFF it's time to quit our unhealthy friendship and that it's best we are out of each other's hair....then the cow sends me a friend request a few weeks ago. Like WTF. Decline. NO I do NOT know this person outside of FB thank you.
And then I have old school friends going 'who are you?' because I changed my name to an online ID of mine and I'm just thinking, wtf does it matter who I am, you're not on my friends list nor am I on yours, so wtf is this now?
Really. These people barely ever talked to me on FB while they were on my friends list, always wanted them to, always tried to make first contact, always got silence in reply or if I was lucky, I'd get a response a few months later. Now that I want nothing more to do with them....they're trying to talk to me again?