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It's appropriate for me to say this or not?
After using the X1 controller for such a long time, I got back on the PC again to play DmC With a butt load of mods, so I plug in my 360 controller.
I absolutely felt like I was using an alien controller again when I went back to the 360 controller.
It doesn't feel natural anymore, I absolutely despise the thing now. xD
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Yay! Stilts is okay! Has a weird liver enzyme, apparently, but he's okay! And he's had a pain shot for his feet, so he's probably pretty happy...for the moment. >_> Tomorrow: grumpy cat.

Woah! Stilts was unwell? I'm sorry to hear that, but I'm glad he's okay now. :3
Give him a hug from me when he's better (sorry, I love cats :3)

CT: Just looked at Google Earth for the first time... Wow!
Wow, that was a pain in the butt... I won't be doing that again in Daz Studio.
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Woah! Stilts was unwell? I'm sorry to hear that, but I'm glad he's okay now. :3
Give him a hug from me when he's better (sorry, I love cats :3)

Oh, no; he's fine. He got declawed today (apparently they're using a lazer-y needle thing that's supposed to be much more humane than the scalpels they used to use...) and I've just been really worried about him all day. He had to get some blood work before the surgery to make sure he could handle the anesthesia and all that. Apparently, he's glaring at everyone in the vet's office. :laugh:
I will. :3 (Hehe, it's okay. *is the same way, tbh*)
CT: I didn't pass the math GED test today. :( And looks like I have to do the whole thing over again. Le sigh. Oh well, at leat this time I'd he taking for test instead of five and the passing score will be 150 and not 410... but I wonder how difficult they will be. Good thing for ged classes. ^-^
Oh, no; he's fine. He got declawed today (apparently they're using a lazer-y needle thing that's supposed to be much more humane than the scalpels they used to use...) and I've just been really worried about him all day. He had to get some blood work before the surgery to make sure he could handle the anesthesia and all that. Apparently, he's glaring at everyone in the vet's office. :laugh:
I will. :3 (Hehe, it's okay. *is the same way, tbh*)

I've always wondered how they do that... Will his claws grow back or have they removed the 'root'? (or whatever it is that makes them grow).
Heh, I'm pretty sure that's what our last cat did when he was in the vets (looked evilly at everyone until he came home).

CT: Wow, I can now see the similes :woot: I've had to use Google Chrome though :meh:
Hehehehe... there's a poop emote! :poop: (yes, I did laugh at that... I think we've now gauged my type of humor...)
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I've always wondered how they do that... Will his claws grow back or have they removed the 'root'? (or whatever it is that makes them grow).
Heh, I'm pretty sure that's what our last cat did when he was in the vets (looked evilly at everyone until he came home).

From what I know, they used to use scalpels and remove the nail by removing the cat's last knuckle (ouch! poor babies! =( ) , but the vet I see does it with...it was either a lazer or some weird type of needle (not sure which) and they remove the tendons connecting the nail to the paw. *doesn't think the nails are supposed to come back* I've...heard so many mixed things about declawing cats lately: that it causes bad behavior and discomfort, but I've also heard that it's helped some cats. I had it done because mum has really thin skin and gets hurt easily and also Stilts plays rough with Sug, and I don't want him to hurt her (I don't mind the scratching on things, really, except when he decides to scratch us when he's mad or playing too hard). I only had the front paws done, though. :S He may be an indoor cat, but I don't want him to be defenseless just in case....
Hehe. Must be a cat thing to glare at vets. XD
Jingle bells, Batman smells, Robin laid an egg, the Bat Mobile, lost it's wheel, and the Joker got away, HEY!

Why are people shocked that the sign interpreter was a fake at Madiba's whatever it was? Whoa, wake up world, this is SOUTH AFRICA. The country people think of as the rainbow nation. Did you guys hear what that black girl said on the news the other night when asked 'do you think this will still be a rainbow nation now that Madiba is gone?' She said, "No, not if the whites are still here."
International (ignorant) interpretation: Oh, the white people are still giving the blacks a hard time, they're still racist, etc etc.
Old Generation Ex-Pat Saffa interpretations: What a racist black girl. Is she colour blind or does she not understand a rainbow consists of more than one colour?
Reality (the way it should be interpreted): Kill all the ****ing white people.
Stilts is home. X3 And very annoyed by his e-collar. He doesn't seem to want any solid food...I wonder if I should buy him some chicken broth....

+ I wonder if all my friends on my gift list would be cool with sweets from Figi's this x-mas....
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That moment, when you open your eyes, and you realise that your OD didn't do what is was meant to.

I can not believe I'm still here.
Either I fail at everything I try to do, or God is real stubborn in keeping me here.
That moment, when you open your eyes, and you realise that your OD didn't do what is was meant to.

I can not believe I'm still here.
Either I fail at everything I try to do, or God is real stubborn in keeping me here.

Maybe think of it as a sign that you're meant to be here. That your friends and family would be so much the worse if you weren't in our lives. That your life is worth more than the low you're currently at. *would miss you so much if anything happened and doesn't think she could stand it**doesn't think pain can be cured with death**thinks we're all meant to amount to much, much more*
I've been...stumbling around this manga I found on youtube.
Trying to find the name for it...looking around in my notes, and I can't link it together!

I need a new Avatar...
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The cat tree for Stilts (his x-mas present) weighs 62lbs...and was delivered to the wrong house. Thanks postal service. *headwalls*
That's pretty bad. I don't know how they manage to do things like that. Hope you got it sorted in the end.
I had one of my parcels sat on or something. It arrived squashed, and to make it worse, it was going to be a present.:bored:
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That's pretty bad. I don't know how they manage to do things like that. Hope you got it sorted in the end.
I had one of my parcels sat on or something. It arrived squashed, and to make it worse, it was going to be a present.:bored:

It is, right? >_< Funny thing is, we didn't even know it was delivered to the wrong house until neighbor from a few houses down came over with it in a wagon.... /== She was really nice about it though, but I find it hard to believe the post guy didn't realize it was the wrong address when our address was stamped across the top of the box....
:O Oh no! How...why does the post do these things? >_< Especially around the holidays? Maybe they're over worked, but still! Logic says not to sit on parcels you have to deliver....
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CT: Saw The Hobbit: Desolation of Smaug. I liked liked it a lot and thought it was pretty good. I did like the VA work of Benedict for Smaug. I can't wait for the third part of The Hobbit.

P.S. Thranduil's eyebrows.......just wow. All I can say to them is : Fooly Cooly.
From what I know, they used to use scalpels and remove the nail by removing the cat's last knuckle (ouch! poor babies! =( ) , but the vet I see does it with...it was either a lazer or some weird type of needle (not sure which) and they remove the tendons connecting the nail to the paw. *doesn't think the nails are supposed to come back* I've...heard so many mixed things about declawing cats lately: that it causes bad behavior and discomfort, but I've also heard that it's helped some cats. I had it done because mum has really thin skin and gets hurt easily and also Stilts plays rough with Sug, and I don't want him to hurt her (I don't mind the scratching on things, really, except when he decides to scratch us when he's mad or playing too hard). I only had the front paws done, though. :S He may be an indoor cat, but I don't want him to be defenseless just in case....
Hehe. Must be a cat thing to glare at vets. XD

I could be wrong, but I think it's illegal in the UK... it is... it was outlawed by an animal welfare act.
Unless being uncomfortable makes them behave naughty... It doesn't sound like a very nice procedure *tries not to imagine it... but does anyway.*
It must be :3

The cat tree for Stilts (his x-mas present) weighs 62lbs...and was delivered to the wrong house. Thanks postal service. *headwalls*

At least you got his present delivered (albeit at a different address with an honest neighbour).
I'm still reeling from the 'television' fiasco. IF it got delivered to the wrong house here, they'd open it and see what's inside (I actually had someone do that with a game that I ordered. They probably only decided to give it back when they discovered that it was for the original Xbox :laugh: )

CT: So unhappy right now...
Need to crack on with Christmas pics... I really can't be bothered...