Why people stress out about things you have no power to change is beyond me, just end up making yourself worse and causing more issues than there need to be.
Get behind the wheel for a short periods of time with a friend or family member for support during a low traffic period to build up your confidence. That's what my parents did with me when I was a teen. It really helped me. :happy:So I have my licence but I'm too nervous to drive. Absurd...
That is why some stress out, because they have no control over something. I have been there many times... In fact stress has become too much for me, I now get really bad anxiety and panic attacks...(In fact, I've had one today... )
CT: I love Saints Row IV!
Punch a d*ckhead or Punch a d*ck in the head lol
Ahh fudge... not again...
Im someone who very rarely shows emotion, Amy thinks its because I dont care half the time but its not that. Its just im not easily excited by much and I dont see the point in stressing, as it helps no-one and makes people make silly judgement calls. I tend to be laid back about everything and shrug most things off.
Im someone who very rarely shows emotion, Amy thinks its because I dont care half the time but its not that. Its just im not easily excited by much and I dont see the point in stressing, as it helps no-one and makes people make silly judgement calls. I tend to be laid back about everything and shrug most things off.