Ha ha she will hot u with the wooden spoon too and we are watching x factor reckon Sam bailey will win but Nicholas will have a better career from it
Congratulations to both of you :3
I've learnt one thing, never mess with an Irish Mammy... she'll hit you with a tea towel... (that's probably a stereotype now anyway because of Mrs Brown's Boys... I wouldn't mess with 'her'either...)
CT: Oh no, you're not going to sleep... you wanted to watch X Factor, now watch it!
Ha ha she will hot u with the wooden spoon too and we are watching x factor reckon Sam bailey will win but Nicholas will have a better career from it
And Mrs browns boys rules Brendan o Carroll is a legend
Erm...why isn't my xbox turning on? ._. *pokes it gently* It better not have died. I've almost gotten 100% on a few games, so you better be alive, xbox! T-T *hopes she won't have to do all her achievements all over if it is dead*
Im someone who very rarely shows emotion, Amy thinks its because I dont care half the time but its not that. Its just im not easily excited by much and I dont see the point in stressing, as it helps no-one and makes people make silly judgement calls. I tend to be laid back about everything and shrug most things off.
If it has, I feel your pain.... However, it may be the connection (electric) has become loose (at the 'power supply brick', If you have them on the American Console). Or the fuse has 'gone' and needs replacing. If you've been playing all of your games online, then you won't need to do all of your achievements again as they're on your Xbox account (you just need to complete all of your games again...)
Please post when you know if it's dead or alive... *fingers crossed that it isn't*
(Sorry for replying to your post, but having been there it's fudging scary)
That wasn't really my character, I was just disturbed by the new head lolooh a fellow zer0, yeah your character is creepy. Mine looks awesome but with no DLC XD
Hmm...I might have to go and see if it is the connection. It's weird though because it turned off in the middle of a game.... *actually thought she might have turned it off on accident at the time* Oh! Well, that's lucky. But it makes me wanna cry considering I was only a couple weapons short of all the legendary weapons in Fable III and I finally finished all the AR drills in Arkham Origins and all this stuff and now...nada. I really hope it turns on soon so I can back it all up...like I should have done earlier. >_< *will let you know if it wakes up*
(It's okay. >_< *appreciates the sentiment*)
I think I'm gonna go buy some comics to cheer me up. >_< Then look at prices for 360s, just in case.
Stilts sprayed mum last night while she was sleeping.... *tries not to laugh**not really amused, but still....*
+ I think the xbox is working again! =D *not gonna get her hopes up, but is still excited*
Edit: Can an external harddrive just be used to back up your console? Or will all the saves just have to be played on it? Cuz there's not enough room on the Cloud for my games....
I think it might have been the power brick.... I messed with it, and it now it seems fine, but it still concerns me. >_<
o_o Oh my. Well...I guess it's sweet that he's saying he cares, but...um.... *would prefer purring and cuddles, personally* >_>
*nods* I was looking at a 250GB harddrive for it, so it's nice to know I could back it up...just not sure if I wanna spend almost $100 for one.... Thank you! *sent you an email, btw**hopes it went through*