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And if there's too much damage done to save her, well let's just say I'm going down with this ship, until her captains give the official 'abandon ship' command.
There, I said it. And in a nicer way than I'd thought I would.
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I've been seeing an explosion of 'Attack on Titans' and how so many people say it's emotional and one of the greatest animes ever. When it comes to video games, music, television, books and food, I am the judge, jury, and the executioner to see if I like it. But since people who have recommended other great shows to me are saying I should give it a try....maybe I will.

Oh and on a side note, I have this dispirited, unknown, evil urge to push anyone over wearing these shoes:

I don't know why I feel this way, but it's becoming stronger...?
I've been seeing an explosion of 'Attack on Titans' and how so many people say it's emotional and one of the greatest animes ever. When it comes to video games, music, television, books and food, I am the judge, jury, and the executioner to see if I like it. But since people who have recommended other great shows to me are saying I should give it a try....maybe I will.

Oh and on a side note, I have this dispirited, unknown, evil urge to push anyone over wearing these shoes:

I don't know why I feel this way, but it's becoming stronger...?
It's a pretty good show, and I do like the music, so it is certainly worth watching. It is a little violent though, but if you're used to watching a lot of violent anime, it should be no problem. My only gripe would be that some of the episodes were a bit too full of backstory with little plot advancement.

Those shoes!:lol: I don't know how people walk in them. I'd never want to try them. I'd probably end up hurting myself or others around me. They seem like an accident waiting to happen.
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Yup, that picture was just 'screaming' to be made... I don't like it though.
Dammit, why does my mouse pointer keep disappearing in Daz Studio? Of all the things it can do, it has to do the most annoying thing possible...¬-¬
Weeeeellp, I suppose I should thank whatever allowed me to find a fic so similar to mine. I might be 3/4 through Switched, but now I've got plot twists. >=) Evil, major, enormous plot twists! *ebil laughs* :devil: And now it'll be epic.

EDIT: New Batman game is friggen awesome. *puts on her Deathstroke fangirl hat and goes back to gaming*
I cut my hair short 6 weeks ago. Folks have nicknamed me White or Green Ranger Tommy. (Although my hair looks more like how Jasoon David Frank had it in Power Rangers Dino Thunder. So why don't folks call me Black Dino Thunder Ranger Tommy you ask? Because all people remember is Mighty Morphin Power Rangers and whatever MMA fight JDF had and nothing else) I amm beyond happy to have such a nickname and I nerd over it anny chance I get! :D

Why am I writing this you ask? Because I am bored, oh so freak'in bored that my bordorm has literally ripped a hole in space now dubbed "Uni-Bored" in the Western part of the World and "Bored-verse" in the Eastern part of the World!
Chatting to a friend about my *secret* crush the other day and the conversations we've had and such....
...and then last night hubby made some kind of joke that was kind of dirty and the word 'deep' was thrown around a bit, until we were both convulsing in laughter on the floor....
....and then I calmed down and it hit me that I had a similar conversation with my crush not long ago....
................only I didn't see it as anything sexual/flirty/inappropriate at the time but now I'm kinda :blink: :blush: *dies lolling*....
*goes to reread conversation for kicks*

+ Well I LIKE Dante. So what? I like writing him and I like talking about him. He's an alright muse for one that isn't actually my muse.


++ My fangirlism has no limits. I get a flame-review/flame response to a review which consists of maybe one very brief, to the point paragraph - and I respond with an essay about how hot Dante is. Yep. Dante saves me every time.
i had forgotten how good dante‘s inferno was so i am really glad i put it on today to play it after about a,year of it sitting there on the shelf
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*Squeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee* VERGIL!!!! ON A BED!!! NAKED!!! *Runs around*

Just had this conversation:
Mum: I just found that woodlouse you saw in the bathroom last night.
Me: Yeah?
Mum: It was pretty big wasn't it?
Me: Yeah, it was.
Mum: Can you keep a secret?
Me: :shifty: sure.
Mum: I 'fished' it out with your dad's toothbrush
Both: *ROFL*
Me: Which end?
Mum: No Comment...
(I don't think she likes him very much :P )
I think this forum is punishing me for my lack of attendance by not letting me like or quote anyone.

Forum: You have no friends here. BEGONE!


You're my friend! D: *clings*

A lot of people have misconceptions about Samhain...I wish they'd stop trying to lecture me about that they think is the right answer. /== Dude, I know my own New Year. Leave me alone.
+ Daaaaaang, I forgot how sappy this fic is. @_@ Give me blood and gore or give me sleep! j/k :troll:
I think this forum is punishing me for my lack of attendance by not letting me like or quote anyone.

Forum: You have no friends here. BEGONE!


The forum is a liar! D:
But yes your attendance most certainly can improve! *huggles*

A lot of people have misconceptions about Samhain...I wish they'd stop trying to lecture me about that they think is the right answer. /== Dude, I know my own New Year. Leave me alone.
+ Daaaaaang, I forgot how sappy this fic is. @_@ Give me blood and gore or give me sleep! j/k :troll:

So many New Years, so much time to P-A-R-T-Y!!!!
We had Diwali last week. And a month or so ago we had Tamatariki. Now it's Samhain.
I'm starting to dislike all these new year nonsense. I don't celebrate the traditional/general one so having everyone go 'hey dress up and bring food for this and this' for all these other random new year celebrations are making me feel hard done by. I swear if one more person invites me to Halloween I'm going to start preaching about how Jesus would ground me for going along with a culture that has no place for Him. I was being polite and nice, going over to my friends' place for a movie on the weekend. We didn't dress up, even though the theme was Halloween. Noes. I don't celebrate nothing but birthdays, Christmas and Passover. Everything else holds no meaning. Because Jesus is awesome and people need to know that, damn it *huggles Jesus hard*

+ Oi, this is gonna hurt.
So many New Years, so much time to P-A-R-T-Y!!!!
We had Diwali last week. And a month or so ago we had Tamatariki. Now it's Samhain.
I'm starting to dislike all these new year nonsense. I don't celebrate the traditional/general one so having everyone go 'hey dress up and bring food for this and this' for all these other random new year celebrations are making me feel hard done by. I swear if one more person invites me to Halloween I'm going to start preaching about how Jesus would ground me for going along with a culture that has no place for Him. I was being polite and nice, going over to my friends' place for a movie on the weekend. We didn't dress up, even though the theme was Halloween. Noes. I don't celebrate nothing but birthdays, Christmas and Passover. Everything else holds no meaning. Because Jesus is awesome and people need to know that, damn it *huggles Jesus hard*

+ Oi, this is gonna hurt.

@_@ That's...a lot of New Years stuff. Tbh, Samhain's not technically the start of a new year, it's more like the dividing line between two halves of the year, but some people consider it through Yule to be New Year stuff. @_@ Which is one long celebration, imo, and which I just shorten to October 31 through November 2.Cuz I'm awesome. *slapped by a certain muse**ego vanishes temporarily* But, yeah. I don't like all these celebrations through out the year. >_> *not a very celebration-y person* I only celebrate the ones that equal food, presents, or preventing evil spirits from entering my home and ripping me to shreds. Cuz I kinda like being alive, tbh. >_> (I usually get forced into holiday celebrations by family members, though. XP) I always wondered what Passover is, though....
What's gonna hurt? :blink:

Bread making! =D
+ Hmm, I need to have a word with her about subtlety. It's more obvious than I thought that she and Ben were gonna hook up. LOL Is that a reference to pot? XD *dies laughing*
I always wondered what Passover is, though....
Jewish people celebrate it. It's not usually a Christian celebration. It's for celebrating when the Jews were freed from slavery in Egypt by Moses. They have a seder meal, pray, and also fast. There are variations, but that's basically what happens.
As a side note, Jesus celebrated Passover because he was a Jew. It's cool how one religion can grow out of another.^_^ If it wasn't for Christianity, the Christians would still be Jews I guess.
It was about time i changed my profile picture and signature. Did the same for Facebook and changed my name to GLaDOS core ... Let the confusion begin.
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always wondered what Passover is, though....
What's gonna hurt? :blink:

Jewish people celebrate it. .

>_< Doh! I meant Easter. Sowwy, my knowledge of all things English failedm oijifjsdkfj io WAIT HE'S TALKING TO MEH I WILL BE RIGHT BACK!

*dreamy fangirly siiiiiiiiiiggghhhh*
Honestly, I can't believe that he doesn't talk to other people like this as well.
Yeah I know what I said about backing off.... it's not my fault we happen to catch each other like this! :blush::blush::D
<3 <3 <3 <3
Found the candles just in case we have a power cut during the storm. They're calling it 'The Great Storm'. At the moment it's just raining... so pretty unimpressed. I still think the media have blown it up to something it won't be... but, who knows...

So you can't share your models, but you can fave (and possibly download) a piece of work that I've commissioned (i.e. I've paid for) on DA... yeah, there's something wrong there... It's kinda like "satisfying everyone else with your own money".

I've really got to get on with that Halloween pic.
Found the candles just in case we have a power cut during the storm. They're calling it 'The Great Storm'. At the moment it's just raining... so pretty unimpressed. I still think the media have blown it up to something it won't be... but, who knows...
I've got a few candles out myself. I'm not sure how bad this storm will be, but the media sure is hyping it up. Not much happening where I live; not even any rain or wind. :/