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Why in the world did MAD TV go off the air, I prefer them 100% to SNL. I just don't find them funny.

Thinking: Shadows of the Damned is such an underrated game, and the DMC references you sometimes pick up in there makes me smile.
Thinking: Shadows of the Damned is such an underrated game, and the DMC references you sometimes pick up in there makes me smile.
I really like that game. It's like DMC if there was a load of swearing, sex jokes, adult humour and general profanity. :lol: The only thing that bugs me about the game is the lack of a jumping button.
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CT: I'm going to have me a cup of hot chai tea. =_= I didn't think Florida could get cold, boy was I wrong. I left New York so I can get away from the cold. Damn you Florida and your crappy weather. *Shakes rebellion at the sky* Oh well, off to make that chai tea.^_^
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CT: I'm going to have me a cup of hot chi tea. =_= I didn't think Florida could get cold, boy was I wrong. I left New York so I can get away from the cold. Damn you Florida and your crappy weather. *Shakes rebellion at the sky* Oh well, off to make that chi tea.^_^

wanna swap its torrential rain here in ireland for the last 4 days :D
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Thinking: Shadows of the Damned is such an underrated game, and the DMC references you sometimes pick up in there makes me smile.

I have to get this game now. HAVE TO.

+ Why is everyone packing up and leaving? If YOU are not the problem, then YOU need to stay and either get rid of the actual problem, or try to fix it. I can't help but feel that all the members recently upping and leaving are basically just abandoning ship because there's a lot of fire and smoke blowing around.
After all these years.
I mean come on.
Or forget it. I hope you freeze your little arses off in the water. I'm going to stick around and try extinguish the fires raging. And if there's too much damage done to save her, well let's just say I'm going down with this ship, until her captains give the official 'abandon ship' command and this forum closes down.
Because I love this bloody franchise and I dote on the crew who manage this place. Because I'm not going to bail on my mates just 'cause we're overrun with a few loud-mouthed pirates.

There, I said it. And in a nicer way than I'd thought I would.
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I hope she wasn't insinuating that she considers me to be a bad friend, who only takes. Cuz...I honestly don't understand what I did to annoy her, but it was right after I had that outburst.... *too uncomfortable to ask her*
+ Sugar's okay! Yay!

....Rebellion.........Abyss.....*coughcoughchokesplutter* :w00t:
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my german sheppard may have tourettes as he keeps randomly barking nd running out past me in the garage to the front of the house ha ha
Pot noodle, the food of students.:P Suddely I'm quite addicted to eating them, even though I'm pretty sure they're not good for me, or even healthy.:P
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Pot noodle, the food of students.:P Suddely I'm quite addicted to eating them, even though I'm pretty sure they're not good for me, or even healthy.:P

I've heard that in some foreign countries they call them Pot Poodles.

AND I'm back :P

I'm thinking why is it when I set my alarm to a reasonable time, why is it never when I actually want to wake up?
CT: I need to be more active on the forum. Just lurking isn't fun and seeing so many arguments pop up in good threads is getting old. Might post something in the DmC section or post a fan fiction I'v been thinking about called: DMC Thearter. Ah, me and my random mind. Hopefully I get motivated to do more.
CT: I need to be more active on the forum. Just lurking isn't fun and seeing so many arguments pop up in good threads is getting old. Might post something in the DmC section or post a fan fiction I'v been thinking about called: DMC Thearter. Ah, me and my random mind. Hopefully I get motivated to do more.
theres not much fan fiction anymore the best ppl i knew that made them left or taking a break..