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This is SPARDA! :devil: Hehe. Sorry, couldn't resist. ^^ ^_^ Not too much madness, though. Twenty three of those chapters are yours. ;) *enjoying all the reading*

NUU what? :O *curls into little ball and tries to die* :blush: ._.

+My heart is sooo sore. I'm so tempted to cross out so many parts and write a note saying 'NO, you can't do this' but I gotta uphold my standards as a beta reader. Which means I gotta suck it up when Dante dies. Owwwwww, my liddle heart is like making me go :'( Boooohoooooooo T_T She's too good a writer, and this story is too good, and I DUN WANT DANTE TO DIE!!!! *sniffle-sob* *clings to Dante* DUNN DIEEEEE!!!


Alright but I'm not making any promises.

....okay stop doing that, it's annoying. :ermm:
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Two fan fictions and a original story. Can I actually finish such a daunting task?! Find out next time on Dragon Ball Z! Lol. Sorry, it was the perfect moment to do that.
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Both boys are clutching a Mr Tumble's spotty bag each and staring with rapt attention at a DVD of Something Special...when they are like this, it kind of makes the crap they give us for most of the day bearable :lol:
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CT: Did some math studding and now my head hurts. =_= Of all the things I need to past to get my GED why dose it have to be math? A least last time I failed I was off by ten points. So maybe this time I might pass and then off to school!!!! Where I an final start my career. :3 And hopefully get a good paying good!!!!
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Apologies for not being around as much, I'm still 'cleaning up' my laptop. Windows 8.1 has wrecked my audio driver (especially Dolby Audio...)

A huuuge shout out to everyone!

Oooh fudge... I think one of my shopping accounts has been hacked :/
Well that'd teach me to read better next time. Regardless if I suck at numbers. I should have READ.
I only get paid start of next month. **** **** **** **** **** **** ****.
How am I going to pay my childcare bill now? How am I going to keep up my circuit classes and Tabata training? WTF, why does the world have to revolve around money? It feels like everything is crashing around me right now.

+I don't wanna go grocery shopping right now.
++I don't want to go my friends' house either. I don't want to be around people right now. I don't want to go for a walk. I don't want to write, or plot, or make notes, or read. I don't want to do anything except crawl into bed and pretend I don't exist.
Welcome to depression. URG.
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Nyeeeeeeh, I posted it. Why is this scary? D: Final chapters shouldn't be scary. Final chapters should be like "yay!". Oh well. Now I can work on other fandoms. Yay.

+ Stilts, why are you only bad when I'm around? =( Don't you love your momma?
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Trying to stay awake to watch American Horror Story. If I fall alseep in lectures tomorrow, it was so worth it.:P
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Soooo apparently someone has a DN fic similar to Switched, if their summary is telling the truth. Which sucks cuz I thought up Switched from a Skype chat. But their fic is yaoi, and mine's...not. Weeeeell, I certainly won't be checking out the other fic, now. Though it's making me question whether or not I should continue writing Switched. If someone's just going to come up to me and complain that it's too similar to another story and they don't think I'm writing L and...my other lead's relationship as well as in yaoi, I might as well just not post it and not deal with the stress. T-T *sighs* I'm going to bed. It's too early in the morning for this.

+ 47 chapters left to review.... x_x
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