So long as she's not acting like Lilith:lol: That would be cringe worthy.
I just don't understand women or men who are like that in real life. I don't know if they're needy, desperate or just plain stupid.>_< Who would want to degrade themselves in that manner? It just seems so weird and sad to me; like the person has no self respect or esteem...
I got this image of the whole 'I'm your bitch'...that kind of thing.>_< It just smacks of low self worth and desperation to me. Lilith just creeps me out. I can't think of calling someone darling without thinking of her.Crikey no! I like to think my OC has more 'self worth' than that! :3 I don't make a habit of that sort of thing. I've just been inspired by a digital artist on DA and I've started to do 'dark art' (dungeons etc).
Sure, I get that people can find it kinky, or do some role play in the bedroom to spice it up a bit. I'm cool with that if it's within the context of a loving or committed relationship. But I mean the women and men who really do make themselves into slaves and do S&M because of emotional issues, low self worth, or to get love. It just seems like a really unhappy and painful situation to be in. I could never be like that.I see what you mean. But some people just find it a turn on.
I've heard of that. There was one guy who, when he got home from work, acted like a baby, slept in a specially built crib and wore diapers. I kinda feel sorry for the guy though; turns out he had a really abusive childhood. So I guess he's making up for that...but that doesn't mean I don't find that kind of behaviour odd.What gets me are the guys that like to dress in diapers and pretend to be a baby... Now that's f***ed! :lol:
CT: Its 1:35 AM what am i going to do if a zombie break through that door.
Oh, good, I'm not the only one who thinks about stuff like that in the late night hours. >_<, what would you do?
What is up with all those damn locked doors in the Silent Hill series??????????
C.T: this mention of Silent Hill reminded me of something:
Silent Hill 3: 17 yrs old girl with no experience, can move and shoot with extreme precision at the same time.
Resident Evil 3: Special Forces cop, cannot ****ing move and shoot at the same time.
Good idea, but if you do that, I would worry about the quality of reviews...people typing anything in the review box just because they want a new chapter. If it's a review like 'update more' or 'nice' then that sort of review isn't worth having...well, not for me anyway. :/ Maybe specify that they have to be 3 reviews of good quality, even if they give constructive critique.I think I'm gonna put a new rule on my FFN profile: I don't post a new chapter unless the previous one got 3 reviews or a month goes by. Yepyep. Maybe it'll encourage people to comment more. :devil: *ebil snicker*