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I'm a weirdo on the net an irl... Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going back to my Vergil shrine to be weird...:lol:

Bye Bye Twitter Account, you've been hacked for the first and last time...
Wow you just quadruple posted:D

Sucks that your twitter was hacked. What kind of stuff was done to it during the hack?:/

You know I wasn't meaning you.:P I mean people who are asses or start tough guy fights for no reason. It seems like their real life sucks, so they make up this persona on the internet to compensate. Either that or they really are asses in real life and on the net. :/
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Stuck on half life 2 in ravenholm i hate it all the noises and zombies i keep pausing it every minute and most of that is spent standing on a table looking for zombies or missing head crabs. Even motivational music isn't working XD
Wow you just quadruple posted:D

Sucks that your twitter was hacked. What kind of stuff was done to it during the hack?:/

You know I wasn't meaning you.:P I mean people who are asses or start tough guy fights for no reason. It seems like their real life sucks, so they make up this persona on the internet to compensate. Either that or they really are asses in real life and on the net. :/

I didn't know that until now, my internet has been on the blink all evening :/

Nothing, just a post saying that I'd lost 5ibs in weight due to a certain product (fudging cheek) and with a link to it (I didn't click the link because I've had a lot of virus trouble lately).

I know you didn't :3 I know what you mean though. Sadly, there are idiots like that strewn across the net. It's the whole anonymous thing just seems to make these people think they're invincible (and as long as that carries on, then they'll do it).

My account got hacked a while back, too. :/ Haven't had any problems since I changed my password, as far as I know....

Ugh...forget I asked.

I had changed my password but because I've also had my email account hacked this year I didn't want to take any chances (also, I've become pretty paranoid :/ )

CT: I hope I don't quadruple post again :(

This is going to sound weird but: YAY! My p*nis works!!!!
(The p*nis on Daz studio that is, I've had to download a new one... )
Nothing, just a post saying that I'd lost 5ibs in weight due to a certain product (fudging cheek) and with a link to it (I didn't click the link because I've had a lot of virus trouble lately).
What a cheek to hijack your twitter and then make out you're losing weight and advertising a product:mad: Groups like that should be stopped. It's a shame that stopping things like that is hard to do.

I know you didn't :3 I know what you mean though. Sadly, there are idiots like that strewn across the net. It's the whole anonymous thing just seems to make these people think they're invincible (and as long as that carries on, then they'll do it).
Recently I'm fed up of seeing people on sites, comments and forums being rude for no reason, starting fights or making pointless comments that do nothing for the discussion. The worst though are liars; people who create false lives or tragedy to get sympathy. But in the end, they are usually found out. The weird thing is, sometimes these liars then get angry at the people who uncovered their deception. :/ It's also sad in a way because with internet liars being common, it is hard to tell who is being honest and really needs sympathy or kind words.
What a cheek to hijack your twitter and then make out you're losing weight and advertising a product:mad: Groups like that should be stopped. It's a shame that stopping things like that is hard to do.

Recently I'm fed up of seeing people on sites, comments and forums being rude for no reason, starting fights or making pointless comments that do nothing for the discussion. The worst though are liars; people who create false lives or tragedy to get sympathy. But in the end, they are usually found out. The weird thing is, sometimes these liars then get angry at the people who uncovered their deception. :/ It's also sad in a way because with internet liars being common, it is hard to tell who is being honest and really needs sympathy or kind words.

That's why it was easier to delete the account. They probably 'home in' on accounts that haven't been used in a while and assume them to be 'abandoned' or something.

I get fed up with that too, but it's one of those things... what can you do about it? :/ I've just learnt to stay away.
Well, when I'm down (or having a 'rough patch'), I stay away from the net and forums... or I come on the forum, read stuff, but don't post. I know if you write a journal entry on DA where you say that you've been having a rough time, it's classed by some people as 'attention-wh*ring'.

It's easy to tell lies, but it's difficult to remember them. Therefore, it's just easier to tell the truth.
Anyone have any advice on art supplies to buy? >_< I'm looking at markers and pens and pencils and paper and I'm clueless. I really don't know the difference between brands and what is good and what's not and...yeah. Help, please?
Prismacolor is my favorite brand. Pricey though. For colored pencils, I bought the 12 pack and just buy individual colors based on what I need.
Hmm, I've now turned Nite into some sort of slave... Vergil's the master (of course)... :lol:
I'd love to know what those robes are called in that picture...
*puts on flame suit*
Pokemon X/Y doesn't impress me, I'm not interested in getting it at all, but I don't have a 3DS/2DS to begin with.
Maybe I'll emulate it somehow in the future, but to me..the pokemon just looks derpy as ****.
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So...guy comes over to fix our phones yesterday, takes out our entire internet...and we still have to pay for them to send a new tech out tomorrow. /== Maybe I'll just stay here all night...I can just borrow family internet and not worry about cooking dinner. ^^
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So...guy comes over to fix our phones yesterday, takes out our entire internet...and we still have to pay for them to send a new tech out tomorrow. /== Maybe I'll just stay here all night...I can just borrow family internet and not worry about cooking dinner. ^^
I hate when that kind of thing happens. You hire someone to fix a problem, but then they create a new problem too.:/ I hope you get this fixed soon. I'd go mad without internet.

Hmm, I've now turned Nite into some sort of slave... Vergil's the master (of course)... :lol:
So long as she's not acting like Lilith:lol: That would be cringe worthy.

I just don't understand women or men who are like that in real life. I don't know if they're needy, desperate or just plain stupid.>_< Who would want to degrade themselves in that manner? It just seems so weird and sad to me; like the person has no self respect or esteem...
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I hate when that kind of thing happens. You hire someone to fix a problem, but then they create a new problem too.:/ I hope you get this fixed soon. I'd go mad without internet.

D: Ditto! Nyeh, it's so frustrating. >_< Thankies! I'm about to go mad. @_@ Luckily my family doesn't seem to mind me as long as I promise to be invisible in exchange for tea, breakfast, and interwebs. :P
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D: Ditto! Nyeh, it's so frustrating. >_< Thankies! I'm about to go mad. @_@ Luckily my family doesn't seem to mind me as long as I promise to be invisible in exchange for tea, breakfast, and interwebs. :P
I'd say that's a reasonable deal. Take full advantage of it. :P;)
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