Also, anyone know any good PC games I can get to occupy myself? :C
The Binding of Isaac+ Wrath of the Lamb expansion pack.
Also, anyone know any good PC games I can get to occupy myself? :C
Also, anyone know any good PC games I can get to occupy myself? :C
Anything.Custard creams, why you so nice?
Anything specific or do you just want anything from anywhere as long as it's a PC game?
I have a crush on Claire Holt from The originals.
- Warframe (Free to play)
- Natural Selection 2 (Maybe wait for a sale since it's a bit pricey)
- League of Legends (Free to play, very competitive)
- PlanetSide 2 (Free to play)
- Awesomnaughts (Basically a watered down MOBA)
Single player
- Dishonored
- Magicka (Also has co-op)
- Antichamber (Great puzzle game)
- Fallout/Elder scrolls series (Even if you have played them on consoles, the PC versions are just better. Maybe wait for a sale if you have played them before + Look at the GOTY editions if you're willing to splash a few extra pennies for a shed-load more content)
- Super Hexagon (Pretty addictive)
- Binding of Isaac + Wrath of the Lamb (Listen to Electro on this one)
I may think of more later
EDIT: btw, nice menu![]()
Why are people making "Best Techno 2013" then they have songs that are old in it.
CT: new guy been on the RE site for a month and sees fit to lay into the staff. What a moron...
Thanks Aoshi but thats dubstep, though its prety good until dubstep part kicks in.Well this isn't techno but would you say Daft Punk is techno????If yes, Try this....(BTW, This isn't Daft Punk)
Models of Dante and Vergil as kids :3 THEY'RE FUDGING ADORABLE!!!!
I hate Saturday shopping...