My phone is so old, even new batteries I get for it are dead. I like it though. I don't WANT to replace it
Oh its good to see I'm not the only one.
Everything that could be fallen off of...I fell off of. T-T *fails when it comes to not falling* ._. I...take it you didn't like it either?
Okay...after my walk this morning, I need to clean and start the bread sponge. Ugh, gotta get my stuff together. xP Now this weekend sounds like a bad idea....
I love baking. Especially when it's starting to get cold. Especially when that coldness is accompanied by the buckets and buckets of rain outside. ._. *hopes the house doesn't flood* Now I just need something to do while it's actually baking....
Where you going!? D:I'm gonna miss you guys over the next couple days.... =(
Where you going!? D:
Oh phew. :3Just to my Gran's house for the night. =) We're having a family dinner tomorrow (we have one about once a month, lately) and I'm cooking (bread baking! <3), so...yeah. ._. Nothing bad or big. Just lots of work and sleepiness. =)